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Search results

  1. Busymanjohn

    Password cracker for Lotus 123

    Managed to get it with a test password cracker which provides 3 letters of the password ,,, luckily the password had only 4 letters :-). Let's hope no-one else has a 123 file for conversion. Thanks
  2. Busymanjohn

    Password cracker for Lotus 123

    Hey Dan ,,,,, yeah , I wouldn't say 70's software ,, more like from the Triassic period. The only thing I need to look at in this file is the raw data , which is hidden in a second tab that is password protected. Why someone still has a file that's millions of years old I will never know ,,, lol.
  3. Busymanjohn

    Password cracker for Lotus 123

    Hi guys, i received a file from a colleague which is in Lotus 123 format ( I know ).... he has asked me to replicate the file in Excel ( welcome to the 21st Century )but the file is password protected and he does not know the password, as he didn't set it up. Is there a good password cracker for...
  4. Busymanjohn

    Sparklines for Excel 2003

    Hi Fabrice, Thanks for the update, your sample file is a huge help and will help me with more awesome Dashboard creations. Keep up the great work. Thanks
  5. Busymanjohn

    Sparklines for Excel 2003

    Hey guys ,,,, looked at the http://sourceforge.net/projects/sparklinesforxl/ sparklines add in for Excel 2003 .... I like both ( this one and TinyGraphs.exe ). Still looking to understand if it is possible to add a value into the start or at the end of a sparkline as Hui had mentioned (...
  6. Busymanjohn

    Sparklines for Excel 2003

    Hi Hui ,,, I have the TinyGraphs.exe add in, although looking at the suggested sourceforge.net from Vijay this looks good also ( little bit more detailed but will try it out ).
  7. Busymanjohn

    Sparklines for Excel 2003

    This should be an easy one to answer .... I'm using Excel 2003 ( although would love my company to move to 2007 or 2010 ) and I've started looking at adding Sparkline graphs into some of my Dashboards ... and I found a neat little add in that allows spaklines to be used in 2003 version. While...
  8. Busymanjohn


    Hi Luke ,,,, thanks, just what i needed. Thanks again.
  9. Busymanjohn


    Hi, I have a simple IF VLOOKUP formula within which I am looking to incorporate CONCATENATE .... The IF VLOOKUP works fine, but would like to be able to place "k" after the end result ,,,, e.g. cell column A contains a list of products, column B targets, column C contains ships. In E2 I have the...