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Search results

  1. polarisking

    Conditional Formatting - Applies To

    My conditional formatting (CF) is used on a dataset that's fluid - rows being added/deleted. I've created a named range using OFFSET to define the dataset dynamically, but after I use it in the "applies to" area of the CF rule, when I come back in it's been resolved to a static range (which...
  2. polarisking


    Haseeb, thank you for your varied approaches to the challenge. I particularly like the SUMIFS solution. I'm a big proponent of simplifying wherever possible and this is elegant. I'm pondering here, but it would interesting to understand why the behavior of the SUMIF, SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, etc...
  3. polarisking


    Faseeh, nice solution. I'm hoping I can do it without processing as an array. Your solution does arrive at the correct value. Haseeb, I love where you're going but I need to sum the values that are numeric and qualify. Your formula denotes which value(s) qualify.
  4. polarisking


    My range has mostly numeric values, but also includes some imputed errors such as #N/A and #DIV/0!. I'd like to be able to use SUMPRODUCT to total up only those non-error cells in the range that qualify vs. a numeric condition. For example: Range A1:A6 equals: 4 5 #N/A 7 10 1 Range B1:B6...
  5. polarisking

    Indirect using Dynamic Named Range

    Narayan, I appreciate your patience. I'm not giving you enough information, so here it is in the attached file. The range A1:A4 contains "Values", 1, 2, 3 respectively. The rand B1: B4 contains "Sum", =Sum(Test_Hard), =Sum(Test_Offset_Hard), and =Sum(Test_Offset_Dynamic) respectively. I have...
  6. polarisking

    Indirect using Dynamic Named Range

    Narayan and SirJB7, thank you both. I'm very interested in WHY the INDIRECT fails when referring to a dynamic named ranges. Perhaps it has something to with the fact that multiple volatile functions are in play. The macro from SirJB7 fixed my issue.
  7. polarisking

    Indirect using Dynamic Named Range

    Besides the chance that I'm doing something wrong, is there a structural reason why INDIRECT doesn't work when the Named Range is defined using Offset? Named Range CHANDOO = offset('Sheet1'!A1,0,0,3,1) Cells A1 though A3 contain 1, 2, 3 respectively. =SUM(Chandoo) = 6...
  8. polarisking

    Sumproduct - Evaluate Difference

    Narayan, once again you're dead on perfect! Thank you.
  9. polarisking

    Sumproduct - Evaluate Difference

    I have two arrays and I'm subtracting one from the other, then testing each difference vs. a constant - =SUMPRODUCT(--(((B5:J5)-(B4:J4)))=0). When I step through the formula it's evaluating to the appropriate number of Trues/Falses, but it's not yielding the sum of the Trues, it's coming back 0...
  10. polarisking

    Fill Handle - Double Click is Incrementing Dates

    Debraj, thank you. That's a perfect solution.
  11. polarisking

    Fill Handle - Double Click is Incrementing Dates

    Is there a way when you double click the fill handle to have it NOT increment date values?
  12. polarisking

    Volatile vs. Non-Volatile

    Thanks to both of you for responding. My question may not have been clear, so I'll rephrase: Aside from whether or not INDIRECT is necessary in the OFFSET example I gave, why does Excel this named ranged when it's the underlying element of a Chart Series? Remove the INDIRECT with a direct cell...
  13. polarisking

    Volatile vs. Non-Volatile

    I'm attempting to use WorkbookName.xlsx!NamedRangeName to define a Series for a Dynamic chart and it's failing. Is it because of the INDIRECT statement embedded within the OFFSET statement? It works fine if I remove the INDIRECT and point directly to a cell reference. I'm thinking I'm making...
  14. polarisking

    Filter in excel

    SirJB7, he said he wanted only those ending in "?", correct? The ~? captures the ?a value as well. Cheers!
  15. polarisking

    Filter in excel

    *~? - finds all 6 rows ENDING in ?
  16. polarisking

    Chart - Dynamic Named Range Problem

    Sorry about that. Here you go.
  17. polarisking

    Chart - Dynamic Named Range Problem

    I'm trying to do something I've done many, many times before - use dynamic named ranges to "automate" a chart. Both the two series, New and Total, as well as the X-Axis labels shift depending on two user inputs - a date value and a row position derived from a MATCH using the Date Value. This...
  18. polarisking

    VBA Function - Access cell in which function is being used

    Thanks for the reply, SirJB7. This solution gets me what I needed. SOLVED Function CellAddress() As String CellAddress = Application.Caller.Address(0,0) End Function
  19. polarisking

    Function - Access cell address from which function is being called

    Note: I had posted this incorrectly to the general Excel forum initially. Hopefully, this is an easy one. I have a Function that needs to know the Row & Column in which the Function is being executed. If I use the Function many times on the same worksheet, it's returning the same value in every...
  20. polarisking

    VBA Function - Access cell in which function is being used

    Hopefully, this is an easy one. I have a Function that needs to know the Row & Column in which the Function is being executed. If I use the Function many times on the same worksheet, it's returning the same value in every cell since I'm, incorrectly, pointing to Active.Row and Active.Column...
  21. polarisking

    OR tests - Constant vs. many cells

    I carried this over from the "old" site: Original Post: I want to test multiple cells vs. a constant. Rather than doing =OR(A1<>99,f1<>99,g1<>99) is there a context for testing something like =99<>or(a1,f1,g1) (this obviously doesn't work)? Thanks in advance NARAYANK991 answered: Try...
  22. polarisking

    Text to Columns - How to keep leading zeroes intact [SOLVED]

    Colin, that works perfectly. Thank you.
  23. polarisking

    Text to Columns - How to keep leading zeroes intact [SOLVED]

    Debraj, I'm very familiar with the technique, but hadn't thought of using it for this exercise. Once I take the string from Word, however, even though I've set the entire worksheet to TEXT, Excel puts on its "smarty pants" hat and converts the text numbers to numbers hence losing the leading...
  24. polarisking

    Text to Columns - How to keep leading zeroes intact [SOLVED]

    Thanks to both of you. My dilemma is that rather than one delimiter (|), I have 100 and to step through 100 column text options is somewhat laborious - if that's the only solution, so be it. I'm hoping there's a general override. Example...