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  1. mahaveer

    Formula required for Inventory Valuation

    if it is not possible then can you tell me how to calculate sale value only?
  2. mahaveer

    formula needed?

    Thank you very much narayank and deb Regard CA Mahaveer Somani
  3. mahaveer

    formula needed?

    sorry narayank its not working can you upload a workbook Thanks Regards CA Mahaveer Somani
  4. mahaveer

    formula needed?

    thanks narayank for the formula but in which cell i have to paste the formula?
  5. mahaveer

    formula needed?

    Problem: if usr ID 1 is reapeated Twice and degree of both are "yes" then output of degree also "yes",if usr ID 2 repeat twice and correspondence degree one is "yes" another is "no" then output degree is "yes".in the cause both are "no" then o/p is "no" same thing applicable for N/A. file...
  6. mahaveer

    Hide Formula

    ha ha ha........its really magic @sgmpatnaik n its really very interesting code.... but still i can see the formula...... Regards CA Mahaveer Somani
  7. mahaveer

    Formula required for Inventory Valuation

    check you mail id dear i sent it..... Regards CA Mahaveer Somani
  8. mahaveer

    use of dropbox

    one more thing bobhc when ever i will shared my files to other users then is it possible that they can delete my original file?
  9. mahaveer

    Formula required for Inventory Valuation

    I have five issues regarding inventory valuation...... almost i have done but still i have to find out some thing more.....so i am attaching a file in which i m following FiFo Method of inventory. http://www.2shared.com/document/zneWMfaz/datafile.html Thank you very much in advance Regards...
  10. mahaveer

    use of dropbox

    bobhc thank you my bro and hui you too dear actually i make uninstall the dropbox and then reinstall it then i found its working properly..... thanks again dear This query is solved now... Thanks to both of you again again and again dear........yes. Regard CA Mahaveer Somani
  11. mahaveer

    use of dropbox

    very much thanks for your advice and your time devoted to me bobhc and hui but i can shared the folder to my second account and i have got the same folder on dropbox website but now what should i do i m not getting therefore i think i have to leave this topic here.....n should do something upto...
  12. mahaveer

    use of dropbox

    ok dear now i shared it with my second account and i got a folder with excel file in my second account but now i want to change some data in excel file from my second account then can i do it online or i have to download it one more question dear i have got the same folder but it is on...
  13. mahaveer

    use of dropbox

    hui i did it hui but how to share my file with another account
  14. mahaveer

    use of dropbox

    thanks hui and bobhc i have open this site https://www.dropbox.com/home then what i do?
  15. mahaveer

    use of dropbox

    what is use of dropbox....? actually i have an excel sheet and i want that my users which are living in another city can access my file via internet is it possible through dropbox or via any other application. but my excel file contains some userform.
  16. mahaveer

    Please help

    use sumif formula
  17. mahaveer

    Move entire row into another Sheet

    sure bhushan, Glad to help you Regard CA Mahaveer Somani
  18. mahaveer

    i m not getting the value of a cell which have contains path in vlookup formula

    no kaushik it is not possible for me that i can use this formula becoz as narayank is telling to me us that we have to open employee7 file for getting the data actually i have to get data from so many files therefore i cannot open all files to get data... now is there any solution for me...
  19. mahaveer

    phone number updation tricks

    hey vvgirl check the following link and download the file http://www.2shared.com/file/XMoaBHuw/phone_book.html then tell me is it ok or not? if not then can u provide a sample file. Regards CA Mahaveer Somani
  20. mahaveer

    i m not getting the value of a cell which have contains path in vlookup formula

    DEAR KAUSHIK03 FOLLOWING ARE MY TWO FILES. http://www.2shared.com/file/qPIfp7vZ/EMPLOYEE7.html http://www.2shared.com/document/RXLhayM_/main.html REGARDS CA MAHAVEER SOMANI
  21. mahaveer

    i m not getting the value of a cell which have contains path in vlookup formula

    already did it dear lhkittle but it did not working.....
  22. mahaveer

    i m not getting the value of a cell which have contains path in vlookup formula

    Thanks you SirJB7 But is there any short cut for me to do without entering full range path? Regards! CA Mahaveer Somani
  23. mahaveer

    Move entire row into another Sheet

    no dear bydefault sheet1 has named sheet1 and sheet2 has named sheet2 and so on... even there is no effect if you changed the sheet name but if i use example: Sheets("sheet1").Range("A4").select and you changed the name of sheet1 = Record then i will use as follows...
  24. mahaveer

    i m not getting the value of a cell which have contains path in vlookup formula

    actually i want to use the value of f1 in my vlookup formula but it is not working why ?
  25. mahaveer

    Hide Formula

    i m really so sorry i applied your code dear sgmpatnaik and i have some formula in A2:a20 and then i press ctrl + ` then the formula was infront of me.............ha ha ha..... regards CA Mahaveer Somani