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Search results

  1. S

    Dsum on condition

    Hi Luke, I failed to plot it correctly. in C1:C2, I've given Proj >0 ------> it didn't give the desired result. then I gave proj ="=>0" -------------> it gave 0 as value.
  2. S

    Dsum on condition

    Hi, My company security policy denies to get in to the link.... I appreciate your helping nature... Hui, I am absolutely sorry.......
  3. S

    Dsum on condition

    I have the total of a column with the formula ---> =DSUM($A$7:$G$65000,"Proj",drill_it!A1:B2)- (A1:B2 is where I have defined the criteria & drill_it is sheet name). But this formula calculate the total of all figures in column named "Proj" - including minus value. I just want to toal only...
  4. S


    Thanks John.
  5. S


    I have C column with the result of simple subtraction. (B-C) The format goes like this A B C D 1 2 500 100 400 3 800 300 500 4 700 900 -200 5 200 50 150 Now, I want the total of D column without calculating the minus figure in D4. The answer must be...
  6. S

    Count no. of month

    I Need to count the exact no. of months in between 2 particular dates. How could it be extracted ? Please help.
  7. S

    Duplicate Value - Time Saving option

    Dear Faseeh, The question is genuine. What I will do once I identified them ?. I will make them unique by adding ~a,~b... via CONCATENATE. Tilt is given because in future if I want to get the genuine I can extract it thru TEXT TO COLUMN. Oops..... Dear Narayan, Manual means "Value...
  8. S

    Count no. of Days

    Hey, thanks to all
  9. S

    Duplicate Value - Time Saving option

    Hello, I use =IF(COUNTIF($B$1:B1,B1)>1,"Duplicate","") to identify the duplicate values. Since my worksheet does have near about 50000 line items, while I am sorting, saving, deleting or adding columns or rows, it takes much time to execute the command. Is there any remedy to solve...
  10. S

    Count no. of Days

    28-Dec-10 28-May-11 4-Jan-1900 Hi Narayan, Why the value is changed as 04-Jan-1900 ?
  11. S

    Count no. of Days

    OK. Thanks Narayan.
  12. S

    Count no. of Days

    Hi Narayan, The first formula (=EOMONTH(Start_Date,0)-(Start_Date)+1)turned in to an ERROR- #NAME? =EOMONTH(Start_Date,0)-(Start_Date)+1, Have I done any mistake while giving the 4mula ? Regards, Shibu
  13. S

    Count no. of Days

    Hi, I have a sheet with the data of Electricity Payment. I need to calculate the payment on no. of days basis. Eg; billing date of a bill is from 02-02-2012 to 10-04-2012. I need to bring the no. of days (27) for February in column A1 and (31) days for March in column B1 and (10) days for April...
  14. S


    That I've done it in this way : A1 B1 C1 D1 (Prev. Yr sale) (Recent Sale) (Diff.A1-B1) Percentage % 14,454,767.73 14,643,392.67 188,654.94 C1/B1(%). Will it be OK ?
  15. S


    Hi Narayan, Do agree that it is easy when it is in round figures like what I've given as a test case. But it will be difficult when the amount is in trilions and in fractions. Rgds, Shibu
  16. S


    A simple Q - since Im being confused. in last qrtr the total sale was Rs.1,00,000.00 in this qrtr the sale is Rs.50,000.00 I need to calculate the percentile of decrease in sale. Please help ...
  17. S

    Macro for freeze cell

    Thanks Luke.
  18. S

    Macro for freeze cell

    Hi Hui, The file is saved as *.xlsx No pop-op message is received by the receiver while opening the file.
  19. S

    Macro for freeze cell

    Hi, I was trying to freeze the cell with the following program. It works with the worksheet of mine. But the problem is that when the same worksheet sent to another person by mail, this MACRO doesn't work. Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim TabOrder As...
  20. S

    Folder Password

    Thanks SirJB7 !
  21. S

    Folder Password

    Can a folder be password protected ?
  22. S

    DSUM on multiple criterias

    I have a sheet which is being aligned with some criterias. Here I need to work and extract the result with DSUM on 2 different criterias. Is it possible ? First Criteria is =DSUM(A9:P2660,"TTL_U",CRITERIA_FND_TRCKR!L13:M14) I want to extend the DSUM application in CRITERAI_FND_TRCKR! L20:M21...
  23. S

    Auto colour for matching data

    I have a worksheet where the T column is having the result extracted thru some formulas. I just want to hightlight the similiar answers automatically with colours or with some patterns. Is it possible ? If T column is : aaa bbb nnn aaa cell 1st and 4th should automatically be filled...........
  24. S

    Auto Filter

    Thank You..
  25. S

    Auto Filter

    Hi, I have some results in column J which is being extracted by using Criteria. Some rows are empty, some are having the desired results.... Now my question is that is it possible to auto filter on the result (value greater than 0 or so) ?.