Hi All,
I have a named range as datavalidation in one cell and in another range I have the same named range. I would like to change the second data validation based on first one.
In Cell A1 I have first data validation and in B2 i have second data validation. Both of them have same...
Hi Gaurang,
We cannot add CC to a task item. I am not sure.To change the TAT change the due date as below
.ReminderTime = wsht.Cells(counter, 3).Value
.DueDate = wsht.Cells(counter, 3).Value
Hi Gaurang,
Finally its working after a week's time. Sending multiple remainders is not possible if we do manually so we cannot implement the same using vba.
Hi Gaurang,
Can you test the below code . It is the same as I originally posted I have added a extra line (Const olTaskItem = 3). Let me know if it works and if you want to change the due and remainder dates.
Sub SendRemainders()
Dim wbk As Excel.Workbook
Dim wsht As Excel.Worksheet
Set wbk...
Hi Gaurag,
Can you type OutLookMailItem. and see whether it has assign property? type after
Set OutLookMailItem = OutlookApp.CreateItem(olTaskItem)
Hi Gaurang,
yes you can change the code to target date by referring to that cell. On the debug error I tested the code in my computer it works well. Which version of Outlook do you have? and also can you post the error description.you can get the error description by typing err.description in...
Forgot to add
Paste the below code in the workbook
Sub SendRemainders()
Dim wbk As Excel.Workbook
Dim wsht As Excel.Worksheet
Set wbk = ThisWorkbook
Set wsht = wbk.ActiveSheet
Dim OutlookApp As Object
Dim OutLookMailItem As Object
Dim counter As Long
Hi All,
I need help in getting the selected items from a pivot table report filter. I have Country field in my report filter and I have multiple selections . I want to get through code what are the selections made by user.
I am attaching a screenshot for reference.
Hey All,
I have a scenario where I have to rank positive to negative and also to ignore zero's. I have attached a sample workbook. Any help would be much appreciated.
Download link for sample wbk:
@Suresh The website has only one button it does not have range. When I click the button it gives me a pop window where I have click "Download option" to save the file locally.
@shrivallabha This is my corporate website so i am not sure of sharing . IT would be similar to bank websites where we...
Hi All,
I have written a module to login into a webpage, do some operations to pull a report using VBA. I need help in downloading the file in IE. When i click the download option a pop window opens and I am not sure how to connect it in VBA.
Thanks in advance.