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  1. K

    Kindly Help

    Hi rahulsharma012 Thats OK. As noted in my post, you would have to locally edit those values after.
  2. K

    Excel 2007 - Want to create 2 fields, part number quantity, then sum

    laser guy The link is coming up as Download not available!
  3. K

    Kindly Help

    Hi rahulsharma012 Assuming that your data is as follows: In column A: A1: Mr. Anil Mehta919829042971udaipur@arihantbearing.com A2: Mr. H.S. Bhandari / RajivBhandari9414126710etepl@rediffmail.com Then in the following cells & copy down. B1...
  4. K

    How do I format the height of all the cells in an excel page?

    Hi Xarzu Or select the row/rows and right click, select row height, input a desired height.
  5. K

    How to pull a unique list of dates based on 2 criteria?

    Hi gizmo For a formula approach. Assuming your data is in A1:C10 (Inc. column headers).Cell F1 has the phase criteria: Pre-Cert. Cell H1 has the Person criteria: Angela. The formula is assuming that you are using Excel 2007 >. For earlier versions replace the IFERROR with IF & ISERROR...
  6. K

    Dynamic timetable formula

    Hi wyndland The link for the file comes up as an error!
  7. K

    Formula to extract only numbers from a cell

    @ DaveTurton That is correct, I only used ROW($1:$25) as the max position of last digit in the OP list was 21. Use ROW($1:$50) if you want to. @ bobhc The ROW in the formula is absolute. As you know, when you insert new rows it moves every thing down, hence the use of the INDIRECT...
  8. K

    Formula to extract only numbers from a cell

    Hi bobhc When you insert a row above A1 the ROW part of the formula becomes: =ROW($2:$26) Giving you a array constant: {2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20;21;22;23;24;25;26} instead of: {1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20;21;22;23;24;25} So if in A1: "Side...
  9. K

    Formula to extract only numbers from a cell

    Hi mohammedkhan Assuming your data is in cells A1:A4 in B1: =1*MID(A1,MATCH(TRUE,ISNUMBER(1*MID(A1,ROW($1:$25),1)),0),COUNT(1*MID(A1,ROW($1:$25),1))) This is a array formula and must be committed: CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER Copy down to B4
  10. K

    Looks like I got the first 100%

    Yeh, what a load crap that was!
  11. K

    LookUP formula using 3 conditions

    Hi Ecel Dumbo Try the following LOOKUP,in C3 copy across and down. The TRIM fuction has been used as you have trailing spaces. =LOOKUP(2,1/(('LookUP Sheet'!$E$2:$E$61=$A$1)*('LookUP Sheet'!$G$2:$G$61=C$2)*('LookUP Sheet'!$F$2:$F$61=TRIM($A3))),'LookUP Sheet'!$K$2:$K$61) OR a SUMPRODUCT...
  12. K


    Hi In: B1: =DAY(A1) C1: =MONTH(A1) D1: =YEAR(A1) Copy down and format to show preceding zero's if required.
  13. K

    Row difference in pivot

    Hi Calculated field could be one option
  14. K

    Average of Average when a condition is met

    @ prazad82 "Kaushik, could you please tell me the use of "="&$B7 in a formula?" Basically, You don't need it! Use Chandoo formula.
  15. K

    Date Conversion

    Hi bobsri If the dates are "(Nov 02, 2012 01:48AM)", they are text and you will need to extract the dates
  16. K

    Adding a common prefix to date value in a column

    Hi phani.gamini Not quite sure if I understand the question. You want the date to display within apostrophe at each end, it will not be a date then! Assuming your data is in column A in column B an copy down: =TEXT(A1,"'dd-mmm-yy'")
  17. K

    How to calculate average temperature using offset function?

    Hi rkspeaks If you have Excel 2007>, you can use AVERAGEIFS. =AVERAGEIFS(B:B,A:A,">"&C7-7,A:A,"<="&C7) Kevin
  18. K

    Sum Different dates

    No problem Suresh Kumar, there are many ways. Also you can put your criteria in cells and reference them in your formulas. Kevin
  19. K

    Sum Different dates

    Hi A couple of ways of many, is the: Assuming data is in A1:A5 SUMPRODUCT: =SUMPRODUCT(--(MONTH(A1:A5)=1)) SUMIFS: =COUNTIFS(A1:A5,">=01/01/2013",A1:A5,"<=31/01/2013") for Excel 2007> Change month etc to suit.
  20. K

    Find date from day

    Hi May be, assuming your days in the combo box are numerical (Sunday-saturday) =CEILING(TODAY()-ComboBox,7)+ComboBox
  21. K

    Need Help Conditional formatting expiry date

    Hi I do not quite follow you. but assuming you have dates for tests in column A, then you could use/adapt the following formulas for the conditional formatting. 1/ =AND($A1<>"",$A1>TODAY(),$A1<=TODAY()+90) Less then equal to 90 days 2/...
  22. K

    Sumproduct help? Please? :(

    Hi If your using Excel 2007 >. Then use the SUMIFS: =SUMIFS(H4:H25,B4:B25,"Composites",F4:F25,"<100%")
  23. K

    If's with dates times

    Hi One way might be using the following: =IF(COUNTA(R21,T21)<2,"",IF(AND(R21<=N21,T21<=P21),"Yes","No"))
  24. K

    Extracting Hours

    Hi sarahma Assuming your data is in A1, try: =INT(A1)*24+HOUR(A1)
  25. K

    Payroll Calculation

    @ bobhc Then it would be logical to set your sheet up Start_Time Lunch_Out Lunch_In Finish. Because where I come from, if you had say a doctors appointment, people take it over their lunch time so if they are running late they do not loose much time. Also we have procedures to follow in the...