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  1. sreekhosh


    Hi Supriya, Please see the uploaded file below and confirm is this useful. https://www.dropbox.com/s/skjnd3wntzuso8r/Sample.xlsx Thanks Sreekhosh
  2. sreekhosh

    Need Help in VBA for my scenario in Excel

    Hi Sanmaya, Just go through the below links. It will help you too http://www.excelbanter.com/showthread.php?t=245382 http://www.excelforum.com/excel-general/573637-delete-rows-where-that-contain-an-empty-cell.html Thanks Sreekhosh
  3. sreekhosh

    How to do Conditional formatting in Column Charts?

    Narayan, thanks for taking interest, I need only for margin series. Regards, Sreekhosh.AP
  4. sreekhosh

    How to do Conditional formatting in Column Charts?

    Thanks for the reply Narayan, But i already go through these links before posting the same, actually this is a dummy report i just prepared this for posting in our forum only, but in may actual data the margin's range should varying widely so we cannot predict every week, can you please check...
  5. sreekhosh

    How to do Conditional formatting in Column Charts?

    Hi Team, Please see the uploaded file below, https://www.dropbox.com/s/bdl0c99xdba1iba/Margin%20Analysis%20Chart.xlsx In this I need to highlight (chart as dark red) bottom three values of margin. Thanks SReeKHosH
  6. sreekhosh

    Data Validation

    Hi KushBhargava, Can you please upload your sample workbook here, http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook so that people can easily work on it. Thanks SReeKHosH
  7. sreekhosh


    Hey Supriya, I forgot to say one-thing. in that i excluded Friday's Details. Please see the updated one ! https://www.dropbox.com/s/htn2rqql5078htq/Last%2015%20Days%20Txns%20Chart.xlsx Thanks Sreekhosh
  8. sreekhosh

    Reduce the file Size

    Hi Suresh Kumar, If you save the excel file as excel binary workbook (xlsb format) you can reduce the size by half. Thanks, Sreekhosh
  9. sreekhosh


    Hi Supriya, Please see the uploaded file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/htn2rqql5078htq/Last%2015%20Days%20Txns%20Chart.xlsx Is this you really needed? Thanks Sreekhosh
  10. sreekhosh

    Data Validation

    Hi kushbhargava, Put this formula in column "B" =IF(A2="K","K","") and Put this in column "D" =IF(LEN(C2)=10,"Mobile","") and drag the formula to your desired row. Thanks Sreekhosh
  11. sreekhosh

    Dynamic Formula Extract Data with more than one criteria

    Hi maniknandi, is this you really need? https://www.dropbox.com/s/7r7qdayxw9pvaz0/Project%20Extraction.xlsx or else just explain clearly. Thanks Sreekhosh.AP
  12. sreekhosh

    Match (conditional formula)

    Hi bhasoriya, I think you can do the conditional formatting with unique values. conditional formatting->Highlight Cells Rules->Duplicate Values after that select "Unique" From the Drop down instead of Duplicate. Thanks Sreekhosh
  13. sreekhosh

    How to extract data from website using macros?

    Sorry for the inconvenience it is actually my companies back office website. All the data's are very confidential. so I cannot provide it.
  14. sreekhosh

    How to extract data from website using macros?

    Sorry for the inconvenience it is actually my companies back office website. All the data's are very confidential. so I cannot provide it.
  15. sreekhosh

    How to extract data from website using macros?

    Thanks Deb, did you try ''Imacros'' ever before ? I think it is more simple and user frndly . pls try it and suggest. Is that better for extracting data from websites? Sreekhosh
  16. sreekhosh

    How to extract data from website using macros?

    Hi George, After a long web-search I got one solution with the help of one software "IMacros". But it seems very different than VBA. (i cant understand which language they were used in it. Actually I don't have any software background. ) We can easy to record MACROS like our Ms-Excel...
  17. sreekhosh

    How to extract data from website using macros?

    In on of my website there is no option to export the data into excel. I can only see a preview of it in ma website itself. Is it possible to export the data into excel using Macros?
  18. sreekhosh

    How can we set Short-key for Private Sub Macro?

    Thanks Debraj, you r simply good... Thanks alot Narayan for the extensive information....:)
  19. sreekhosh

    How can we set Short-key for Private Sub Macro?

    How can we set Short-key for Private Sub Macro?
  20. sreekhosh

    Congratulations Narayan - 2,000 Posts

    ((((((((((*******))))))))) Congratulations Narayan ((((((((((*******)))))))))
  21. sreekhosh

    compare multiple columns

    Hi T100 Try this =IF(AND(A2=Sheet1!A2,Sheet1!B2=Sheet2!B2,Sheet1!C2=Sheet2!C2,Sheet1!D2=Sheet2!D2),"True","False")
  22. sreekhosh

    Congratulations Luke - 3000 Posts

    Congratulations LUKE :)
  23. sreekhosh

    How to delete the entire row if a cell start with number

    Wow Great:) this is more helpful to me. Thanks A lot
  24. sreekhosh

    How to delete the entire row if a cell start with number

    Yea its great :) thank you so much Luke. if the rows are more than 15000, I think i can write it as "For i = 15000 To 1 Step -1" right?
  25. sreekhosh

    How to delete the entire row if a cell start with number

    Range A1:A15 contains both numbers and text's. I need to delete the entire row which start with number. I tried with this one but it does not work: ==================== Sub Button3_Click() For Each cell In Range("A1:M15") If cell > "0" Then cell.EntireRow.Delete End If Next End...