Dear All,
There are many excel files in a folder - folder path is known
Passwords of all excel files are same
Password is known
How to change the passwords with new password to of all excel files in that exists in a particular folder
Please advise the excel macro that works for .xls and and...
Dear Hui,
Please advise the usage of this formula. Why offset formula is used
Why this from A1 to 361 where the sheet does not have any data in many cells of A23 A34 and after A59
Thank you for your reply
With your expertise in Mathematics you are excelling in excel!
Thanks for your notes about named ranges
I got it. I'm sure within a week i will understand thoroughly about the file
Thanks for your help
Dear Hui,
Please advise
Inc2_ variable = {0,1}
What is 0 and 1
Is it x and y coordinate of the Arrow at the end (Height of Arrow)
In general please advise the meaning if {0,1} data
Dear Hui,
Thank you very much for your example file
You are the expert
By knowing the logic and using the Named ranges it is done
Sorry it is very complex to understand for me as i'm not good in named ranges
Is there is any way to plot the chart without using names ranges
Please advise
Dear Hui,
Please help to understand, I'm unable to refer to the actual reference cell
All cases
How this Arrow head is working with ONE point data
Please elaborate
Hui !
Thank you very much for the attachment
Exactly this is what i required. But i need to study the attachment to understand how this works
Hats off
Dear All,
Please refer to the attachment
Please advise how to draw this polar chart with the degrees 0 to 360 degree and with an Arrow starting from origin and touching the edge of the circle
Dear Narayan,
I have changed the print margin in all workbooks that resolved the issue in allllllll workbooks
I'm unable to post all the worksheets as it is all official docs
Thank you for your tips and tricks
@ Debraj,
Thank you for your reply
It is working ...i got the results
But in the REFEDIT box displays the selected range. Is there is any way to display the value instead of the selected cell address so that a user can understand the Input value
Please advise.
@ Debraj,
Thank you for your reply
I tried the Refedit tool. This is what i required exactly
Could you please advise how to assign the received input from this Refedit to a variable then my issue will be solved
@ Hui
Thank you for your reply
I have attached the example file in the below link
There is no relating to the each inputs. But the input cell varies hence the input cell is a variable need to be selected each time for the calculation...
Thank you for your reply
Actually the requirement is not just to multiply the number
Whether it is possible to take the input for second variable from the selected cell 'while user form is active - pops-up'
Input are in the active sheet but input cell varies with the calculation
So 3...
Dear All,
There are 3 variables in 3 different cells
Need to multiply through user form.
Requirement is
in A1, B1 and C1 cells the values exists (say variable 1, 2 and 3)
After clicking the command button, user form pops-up to ask for Enter 3 variables to multiply.
Here the query is three...
Dear All,
Thank you very much for all of your reply/ contributions
Below code from Narayan worked well thank you so much
Easy to embed in my existing codes
'For DataObject add reference to Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
'If you cannot find this library just add a userform and...