Final One : Some Have legends and some do not my attempt below gives all charts legends
3. Format Legend !!!
With ActiveChart
.HasLegend = True
With .Legend
.Position = xlTop
.Font.Name = Fnt
.Font.Size = FntSzs
.Font.Color = RGB(FntR, FntG, FntB)
End With
End With
1, Data Tables
2. Data Label Values
How do I set these to = 8
With <Data Table> / <Data Label value>
.Font.Name = Fnt
.Font.Size = FntSzs
.Font.Color = RGB(FntR, FntG, FntB)
End With
Searching the internet and can not find any info. thanks again if any one can assist.
Thanks Both, It works for me and look alot smoother when it does the 16 work sheets.
The only part it does not do is the Data Tables.
Do you know how I can do this ?
Examples of how to do NOW () and START are listed below.
I am unable to do NEXT - e.g JAN-11 to JAN-12 in multi clicks ???
Can any one advise please. thanks.
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable5").PivotFields("Resolved Month / Year"). _
CurrentPage = Format(Now, "mmm-yy")...
Many Many Thanks to both - JB and NARAYANK
The location of my If and End (With and End With) was in a differnet location) I see it clearly now. Will test with excitement this evening when I am at home...Many Thanks..
If any one is interested I have all the coding for the combo,listbox,dropdown boxes for usign a next button. also the programs for selection of now() in a pivot table.
If a pivot table has the dates e.g.
How can I via VBA button click and the pivot table can move to the next item.
Multi Clicks would goto next item until the end then back to the start.
Have searched and can not find any program on the...
I have been going at this for 1 hour and I am a little lost at the moment.
Here is my code with the two other parts listed below which I can not add to my program to make the chart resizing work.
The title is set to 14. I need the other font size to be set to 8 for all the other text...
JB, I have enough Programs, Guidance, Data Files, Etc to last me to the end of the dshabord project... has been fun, Highs and lows. thanks for being around.....
Thanks JB and Shrivallabha.
This is the additonal part of the code I needed. I will adapt and test :
'Write Sheet's full path here
strPath = "C:MyPathBook1.xlsm"
'Write the macro name including module
strMacro = "Sheet1.Macro2"
'Create an Excel instance and set visibility of the...
Will look into it. thanks for program and the guidance.
My configuration of Charts, Colours and PIvot tables can have this program listed below.
Declare Function sndPlaySound32 Lib "winmm.dll" Alias _
"sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, _
ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
Got It. To the Batmobile lets go.
Set rngTable = Sheets("Statistics Month").Range("A2:A27")
Set rngIndex = Sheets("Dashboard (OPALIS)").Range("F2")
Many thanks. Ian.
Next week I will be walking of a cliff !!!
Great. To the weekend I head. Think I just need to sleep on it. hope the magic starts tomorrow. !!! many thanks for all your time and energy assist me. ian.
Work in progress.......Think I need my ZZZZZZ!!! Refreshed mind tomorrow will help.... its been a long day.. thanks for your guidance... have many solution and heading in the right direction....
It shall be the weekend of triumph !!!
Regards, Ian.
HI, I will try this. thanks for the guidance....
Final Question if you have a minute.
I have move the program into my dashboard and pointed at both.
Why does this error. it looks right ? Any other spreadsheet it works fine ?
Const ksWS = "Statistics Month"
Const ksRngTable =...
I have been using excel 2003 and if I want to load the spreasheet that automatically refreshes the data I just click on the file.
If I want to bypass the uploading of the data (refresh pivot tables) I just point a vbscript to a module in the spresheet and it bypassed the refresh. Great...
Any one let me know if you need any programs I have loads in my storage. Still learning.
JB and HUI are the best two I have come acorss since being on thsi web site.. they should be classed as Ultimate Excel Ninjas. Many Thanks.
Yes. I am placing the programs on the web site in the vaults as templetes for other users to have.
Also I have a program that monitors multi email accounts and multi folders in excel either if no emails have arrived within a time limit or if an email has arrived.
It works on a 6 way timer 10...
Hi SirJB
Can you assist further. I have been updating your program and I am unable to multicombo box updates. are you avalaible to updaet the program with the additonal lines required.
Here is how far I am at present.
Now that is a genius at work. Many thanks. that is perfect for setting all the drop down boxes on opening. more than I expected. I do not even have to run a month end... Thanks.
Thanks for this I need to have aplay aroudn with this one. Initially it does the row and not the column of the charts and also does not do the data boxes so further investigation may be needed on my part.... many thanks. I can work with this.
Dashboard Version three is due out soon so I am busy 9to 5 plus evenings also. its great when the ideas work and thank to you and others I am close to the end. Version three is the last version...
Just tryig to keep the balance of the pivot tables, refreshing and also the automation
Hi, Thanks.
I started a simple Spreadsheet about 2 years ago. and soon it has developed into a dashboard of 16 front tabs, about 15 hidden, vba menus. counting emails in mailboxes, etc... crazy. yourself and other on this web site have helped me with the automation side.... the computer runs...