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Search results

  1. E

    Formula to convert date to Quarter

    Sorry the formula used is "Q"&INT((MONTH(A1)/4)+1)&"-"&RIGHT(YEAR(A1),2) please help point out what went wrong
  2. E

    Formula to convert date to Quarter

    Hi, I am having trouble converting month to Quarter If you see example below. Jun-13 is Quarter 2-13 Jul -13 should be Q3-13 and not as shown below Formula i am using is ="Q"&INT((MONTH(A1)/3)+0)&"-"&RIGHT(YEAR(A1),2) Please advise what went wrong Jun-13 Q2-13 Jul-13 Q2-13 WRONG Aug-13...
  3. E

    Formula to give 0 if no value in corresponding cell

    Hello please find attached file. I have a cell which has a date formula. Now i need to adjust this formula in such a way that this cell will display no date if there is no value in corresponding cell Please help
  4. E

    Date format issue in Pivot table

    thanks Nibu. Worked perfect
  5. E

    Date format issue in Pivot table

    Hi, I have a column where dates appear as (28/02/2015 12:00:00 AM) when i download data from source. I would like to create another column which shows the date as (Feb-2015) and another column with preceding date , say in this case , it'll be (Jan-2015) I can change these dates to the...
  6. E

    Sumproduct Slowing down my file

    wow. THanks Hui
  7. E

    Sumproduct Slowing down my file

    Hi All, I have used sumproduct formula in the attached file and it seems to be slowing down my file. I am aware of the work around steps like changing calculation to Manual, but i was wondering if there was a substitute formula that i can use, the spreadsheet will keep growing in size month by month
  8. E

    Lookup with mutiple conditions

    Thanks Guys
  9. E

    Lookup with mutiple conditions

    HI Friends, Could you please help with a formula for the attached file. The file infact is a miniature version of a massive line. Formula to look up multiple conditions and then summing up values is what i am after, but using sumif would slow down the file if the list is maasive any...
  10. E

    Compare-text in different columns fall in same row

    HI Friends, I copied data from several files and I need to make sure the Text I had copied in to different columns fall in the same row. Using Column A as the base, I need tocompare columns C, E,G,I,L,N,P. Making sure all Text in the these columns fall in the same row as Column A. Once...
  11. E

    Date conditional formatting

    Hi Friends, COuld you please suggest a rules for conditional formatting cells with a date range- 05-May-2015 If given date is 14 days before today- highlight green If given date is 5 days before today-highlight yellow If given date is today or past today-highlight red Example - Today is...
  12. E

    Help with constructing a comparison graph

    Hi Friends, Could you please refer the attached data and help me the best way to get this on a line graph ? In the file I would like to compare "Revised" against "PLAN" and "LBE". There are quarterly figures appearing in the table as well. I am just wondering what is the best way to present...
  13. E

    Complicated Average Formula Help

    HI Nebu. THank you very much. This served my purpose
  14. E

    Complicated Average Formula Help

    I got it nebu. The solution was there in Chandoo itself. Thank you http://chandoo.org/wp/2009/11/17/group-dates-in-pivot-tables/
  15. E

    Complicated Average Formula Help

    Hi Nebu, Thank you very much for doing this. Before I get my head around this completely, could you please tell me the trick of how your made the dates apaear as months (Jan, Feb,Mar) as shown in the sheet 1 of pivot table ?
  16. E

    Complicated Average Formula Help

    HI Friends, Could you please refer the attached Document and kindly suggest formulas for different types of averages ? I have asked this another forum as well. http://www.excelforum.com/excel-general/1065072-complicated-average-formula-help.html Excel Dumbo
  17. E

    Look UP Formula

    Dear Friends. Could you please suggest a lookup formula for the attached file ? Thanks heaps Excel Dumbo
  18. E

    Insert formula in pivot table

    Any help please
  19. E

    Insert formula in pivot table

    But Khalid, that formula will work if i use it outside the pivot table. I need a formula to be entered in the "Calculated Field" area of pivot table . A2 should be referencing column head "Post Code"
  20. E

    Insert formula in pivot table

    File now uploaded
  21. E

    Insert formula in pivot table

    I have attached a file for easier understanding. Any help 'll be greatly appreciated
  22. E

    Insert formula in pivot table

    Hi Friends, I have a pivot table that has "POST CODES". I will need to insert a column in the pivot table to show "STATES". For this I will need do a calculated filed for "STATES" All post codes are stored in text format (for eg-08000). I don't want to convert the text to number, keep it as it...
  23. E

    To split worksheets in a single file to multiple files

    Hi Dear Friends, I have attached a spreadsheet file, which has multiple sheets named-Harry, Steve, Thomas etc I will need a technique where I can split this single file in to multiple files based on the worksheets within the original single master file. So once I have the split, I would...