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Search results

  1. K

    Copying Sheets to multiple output files using VBA

    Where do you want the additional data in the new file? In your data does the Clinic on the 2nd and 3rd Sheet occur more than once?
  2. K

    Is IF the right way to get what I need as the year progresses?

    Hi Narayan, I think there is a flaw in the formula =IFERROR(SUM(P6,R6,T6,V6)/SUM(IF(N(OFFSET($P$6,,{0,2,4,6}))>0,1,0)),0) s/b =IFERROR(SUM(P6,R6,T6,V6)/SUM(IF(N(OFFSET($P$6,,{0,2,4,6}))>0,3,0)),0) kanti
  3. K

    Is IF the right way to get what I need as the year progresses?

    try this formula: =IF(V6<>0,(V6+T6+R6+P6)/12,IF(T6<>0,(T6+R6+P6)/9,IF(R6<>0,(R6+P6)/6,IF(P6<>0,P6/2,0))))
  4. K

    Dynamic file path updating pivot table using macro

    Hi Danny, I note that it is looking for the file int he directory C:\Users\dvickers, So I think that means the Macro is pointing to the file on the computer that has C:\Users|dvickers as a directory. So is the file also available on a network drive or is there a copy on the file on the other...
  5. K

    How do you conditionally format a range of cells based upon two date related scenarios?

    Hi kemneric, Could not read your attachments, but look at attached file for the first question. cheers kanti
  6. K

    Copying Sheets to multiple output files using VBA

    Hi Steve, can you upload the file please. cheers kanti
  7. K

    Counting number of cells and placing the value beside it

    Hi Jack, The attached file will do all the legwork, you have to copy your data onto the Calcs sheet starting in cell B5, then run the 3 macros on the Main page in sequence. Will upload file
  8. K

    Counting number of cells and placing the value beside it

    Do not need the burger just the recipe, I make my own bread, pita bread, chick pea burgers and other stuff got into cooking this year, so the recipe for the burger would be great, but I am sure you will have secrecy issues
  9. K

    pivot chart macro reqd

    Hi http://office.microsoft.com/en-001/excel-help/use-excel-tables-to-manage-information-RZ102252956.aspx http://www.dummies.com/how-to/computers-software/ms-office/excel/data/using-tables.html Look at the attached link, it is a all about tables as well as how to use with pivot tables...
  10. K

    Daily transaction summary

    Just copy/paste from one sheet to the next, remember to change the signs on the Sales, so that a sum will give you the net.
  11. K

    pivot chart macro reqd

    Hi webmax, you do not really need a macro, just change the data range to a Table, change the soucre of data on the pivot and refresh the pivot
  12. K


    Hi FBB, Return from where, or are you after all the possible permutations from A,B,C? I doubt that you have captured all the possible results from A,B,C, for example B, C, A A, C, B etc. kanti
  13. K

    Finding unique arrays

    Hi FBB, Could you please tell us what you are trying to achieve, it is easier than trying to see if your formula is OK. If you are comparing A1:A5, with each of the other columns then the following will work, provided it is Array Entered {=IF(AND(A1:A5=B1:B5,A1:A5=C1:C5,A1:A5=D1:D5),0,1)}...
  14. K

    Daily transaction summary

    Hi Jamir, You can achieve all of that by Filtering the appropriate columns and then copy pasting to another sheet. or You can use Advanced Filter on the Table to extract accounts type information. See the following: http://chandoo.org/forum/threads/generic-advance-filter.13613/
  15. K

    Daily transaction summary

    Hi Zameer, See attached file. What I have done is: 1. Create a single Table of Both Sales and Receipts, with Column identifying the type of transaction 2. Changed the Sales to negative values (you can Copy / Paste Special Multiply with -1 to achieve this) 3. Sorted the Item Number column 4...
  16. K

    Getting parameters from the Formula Bar for creating a UDF in Excel VBA

    Thanks Luke, now ParamArray is becoming a bit clearer
  17. K

    What's on your QAT

    I am curious to know what others have put on their QAT as a starter I have the following: Paste Value New Workbook Open Document Location Camera Excel 2003 Pivot Wizard Insert/Delete Rows, Columns and Cells Form Calculator Clear (Filter)
  18. K

    Getting parameters from the Formula Bar for creating a UDF in Excel VBA

    Hi Sarathi Please refer to the following link on ParamArray http://www.tushar-mehta.com/publish_train/xl_vba_cases/1005%20ParamArray.shtml cheers kanti
  19. K

    Counting number of cells and placing the value beside it

    Hi Jack, check this file it has the formatting and a new calculation for the 1's and 9's. Helper columns are back https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48309468/Side%20Numbers_Solution%20GOOD_Macros_V2.xlsm
  20. K

    Counting number of cells and placing the value beside it

    Hi Jack, The cosmetics are easy, I think, however, the 9 and 1 issue is a bit more complicated, based on what you sent, the problem is when the 9 and 1 occur across different column sets and at the moment I have only provided to count one set, so I will re-think how we can achieve this. I will...
  21. K

    Formula for Multiple Search....!

    Hi Jeet, look at attached, please note that formulas will change if the Input is more than a single range/row kanti
  22. K

    Formula for Multiple Search....!

    Hi Jeet, Here is a solution using two helper columns, you will see that Rows 87 and 88 are the only ones with numbers in each row in columns B and C hope this helps kanti