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  1. Deepak


    Pls have a read here... https://exceljet.net/formula/faster-vlookup-with-2-vlookups Importing to access & then do the query will take more time as i expected & checked.
  2. Deepak


    Just checked that sorting 1M rows * 8 columns doesn't take time. So do the same first then dual vlookup combination will be much faster.
  3. Deepak

    Out of memory or system resources. Close some windows or programs and try again

    Good to know that. That's the application constant for object close method. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa220077(v=office.11).aspx
  4. Deepak

    Out of memory or system resources. Close some windows or programs and try again

    This should to work...check it.
  5. Deepak

    Out of memory or system resources. Close some windows or programs and try again

    Why .send not working. Have u checked you email address, is this correct. Limit loop to 2. Put your own email in to/cc. Using smtp or exchange?
  6. Deepak

    Out of memory or system resources. Close some windows or programs and try again

    Change display to send & then check.
  7. Deepak

    Out of memory or system resources. Close some windows or programs and try again

    Agree! Next instance of mail should be created after closing/sending the 1st else it will occupy lots of memory as loop is in the queue there.
  8. Deepak

    Dynamically select mulitple pivotitems

    Pls don't duplicate the post. Have patience.
  9. Deepak

    How to count the values based on matching two columns using criteria

    I have plotted few methods. You may manipulate to do further.
  10. Deepak

    Unable to switch one radio button to another radio button in excel-2013 VBA based tool

    Pls don't duplicate the post. Have some patience.
  11. Deepak

    Excel 2003 Password Protection

    What i suggest that first run a collector file that will collect info from the each pc then put that serial no in the main file which needs to be protected. You can't prevent the smart user!!
  12. Deepak

    Header n footer..

    Monty Check it if help after little manipulating... http://chandoo.org/forum/threads/match-criteria-then-not-a-print-page.25717/#post-154024
  13. Deepak

    VBA Code: Writing to Notepad

    As it was expected & thinking about that... Using array would be fast rather than writing line by line & to check it i have did few test & found below result on a PC having Core2Duo+4GB Ram+Win7+Excel 2007. Best results are... Shri : 2000 cells_0.00390625 Shri : 20000 cells_0.04296875 Shri ...
  14. Deepak

    VBA Code: Writing to Notepad

    Thanks Marc L for the light on the same! I might missed that post! Monty : Thanks you too as i leaned something new too today!!
  15. Deepak

    Outlook Attachment Download VBA edit

    Hi, Thanks for the kind words. I am just learning by helping...
  16. Deepak

    Outlook Attachment Download VBA edit

    That might got replaced not skipped. Try it. Const sPath As String = "S:\ALL\Planning Team\Weekly Metrics\2017 Weekly_Metrics_Rebuild_V2\Weekly Metrics Reports\Clean Reports\SHORTAGE TEST\" Sub Shortage_Attachments2() Dim ns As Namespace Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder, SubFolder As MAPIFolder Dim...
  17. Deepak

    VBA Code: Writing to Notepad

    This is what you need to change.. Print #1, Range("A" & iCntr); & It's fast enough so doesn't need anything else as already suggested by the valuable inputs. The link was for the Concatenate ; whenever you need in future!
  18. Deepak

    VBA Code: Writing to Notepad

    Complete read & check the comments....
  19. Deepak

    VBA Code: Writing to Notepad

    After reading the article you will have something new to visualize... https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/7811/A-Better-Concatenate-Function.html
  20. Deepak

    Congratulations !

    @ThrottleWorks You are just awesome like as chandoo. God bless you my dear. @vletm Keep visiting dude!!
  21. Deepak

    Userform Login for Multiple Level User

    You can create new user with a little code which will check the duplication & add the new to the DB. This also be improved to login/out timestamp. Pls start a new thread for very own query. You may ref the post there.
  22. Deepak

    Identify first row of UsedRange

    PP3321 It's because you have copied/imported the data in the sheet thus xl recognized the used range as [B1:C3]. Copy the cells [B2:C2] to another sheet & then check.
  23. Deepak

    SEP Date Control

    This might be useful as having much explanations.. https://www.rondebruin.nl/win/s8/win003.htm
  24. Deepak

    Split multiple workbooks

    Hi You have just taken a decade to arrange a sample copy from office to home... Not an issue.... I will take care on Monday.
  25. Deepak

    Happy birthday !

    Faseeh Have fun on the beautiful day of your life.