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Search results

  1. Deepak

    Userform Login for Multiple Level User - Customized Spreadsheet

    Not able to re-produce any error as per steps as well. Close all Excel files & recheck or Pls recheck on another pc.
  2. Deepak

    Userform Login for Multiple Level User - Customized Spreadsheet

    If still issue then check with it.
  3. Deepak

    Userform Login for Multiple Level User - Customized Spreadsheet

    I didn't encounter any issue on table too.
  4. Deepak

    Userform Login for Multiple Level User - Customized Spreadsheet

    Pls check... Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) If Not myrow > 1 Then MsgBox "Pls re-login.", vbCritical: login: Exit Sub If Not IsArray(bChange) Then If Target.Cells.Count = 1 Then If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Cells()) Is Nothing...
  5. Deepak

    Userform Login for Multiple Level User - Customized Spreadsheet

    Iinsanesmart Sorry as it was mY silly mistake & love to solve the same. Pls change the below & check. Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) If Not myrow > 1 Then MsgBox "Pls re-login.", vbCritical: login: Exit Sub If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then GoTo...
  6. Deepak

    Userform Login for Multiple Level User - Customized Spreadsheet

    Iinsanesmart Same has been fixed in the attached file. Do let me know for any issue...
  7. Deepak

    What's new Functions in Excel

    I am excited to hand on these new party movers in the excel, It will also ease the few cases where one having a sophisticated view on CSE. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Excel-Blog/Preview-of-Dynamic-Arrays-in-Excel/ba-p/252944
  8. Deepak

    Excel Size

    You may share the file if issue exists yet.
  9. Deepak

    Sending active sheet with VBA from Outlook

    Rons' Code are generic in nature and use as indicated there...
  10. Deepak

    Consistent Error Message

    Which version of excel do you have? Pls recheck with correct file as error says - Issue with Data Validation but didn't find any in such sheet.
  11. Deepak


    Will You pls stop duplicating post!! Have wait for response.
  12. Deepak

    Excel/Mail Merge/Convert to PDF and Send email

    You can directly do the same from Excel with word. Do a search as we have lot's of post regarding the same. Share sample Excel, Word/PDF and email if having no luck.
  13. Deepak

    Invoice and Payment matching

    Then It's not a challenge anyhow. Have wait and one will revert after getting it.
  14. Deepak

    Invoice and Payment matching

    Do you have already solution for this?
  15. Deepak

    Invoice and Payment matching

    It's not a challenge as seems query to me.
  16. Deepak

    Password Mask for Inputbox VBA crashing Excel 2016

    Pls check it. Option Explicit '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 'Password masked inputbox 'Allows you to hide characters entered in a VBA Inputbox. ' 'Code written by Daniel Klann 'March 2003...
  17. Deepak

    creating xml in VBA

    If you will map correct schema with xl then no need vba. Just SaveAs xl file to xml.
  18. Deepak

    Auto Email using Gmail

    Hi, If you receive an error that reads The transport failed to connect to the server, make sure you’ve entered the correct username, password, SMTP server, and port number in the lines of code listed underneath With SMTP_Config
  19. Deepak

    Unable to Toggle Check Boxes in Excel 2010

    Seriously! Even xl2003 is being used yet. :)
  20. Deepak

    Automate the ppt with excel data

    Hi, Why there are too many sheets for same type of dashboard, why not just setup a dropdown or similar for regional dashboard and same needs to be follow in Week report too. This exercise will curb your all issue & you just need to select the week number for final output.(via VBA)
  21. Deepak

    How to pass Dynamic Range Variable in Formula as argument?

    For the .parent property http://spreadsheetpage.com/index.php/tip/understanding_object_parents/ https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa224980(v=office.11).aspx Ways of Referring To Cell Ranges https://powerspreadsheets.com/excel-vba-range-object/
  22. Deepak

    Automate the ppt with excel data

    Hi @jayalaxmi , Good to see you after a long time. As GraH - Guido suggested! First do the makeover at excel end and then auto transfer the same to PPT via VBA. If you relies at PPT to xl refresh then there might be chances of data errors due to many things. I am sharing a sample approach...
  23. Deepak

    How to pass Dynamic Range Variable in Formula as argument?

    Or i will go with it to avoid object. Option Explicit Option Compare Text Sub Rng_in_var_Pass_In_formu() Dim strF As String With ActiveSheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion strF = "=SUMPRODUCT(SUMIFS(" & .Columns(5).Address & "," & .Columns(2).Address & ",{" With .Parent.Range("E" &...
  24. Deepak

    How to pass Dynamic Range Variable in Formula as argument?

    Check it. Option Explicit Option Compare Text Sub Rng_in_var_Pass_In_formu() Dim oRresultCell As Range, r1 As String, r2 As String With ActiveSheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion r1 = .Columns(5).Address r2 = .Columns(2).Address Set oRresultCell = .Parent.Range("E" & .Rows.Count + 3)...
  25. Deepak

    How to pass Dynamic Range Variable in Formula as argument?

    Check it. Option Explicit Option Compare Text Sub Rng_in_var_Pass_In_formu() Dim oRresultCell As Range Const iResult1Cell = 154 With ActiveSheet.Range("B1:F" & iResult1Cell - 3) Set oRresultCell = .Parent.Range("E" & iResult1Cell) oRresultCell.Formula = _...