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  1. T

    Multiplying times by hours in multiple spreadsheets not calculating [SOLVED]

    Try... https://www.dropbox.com/s/0xssrgjzy4j9wde/5.4.13%20Form_%20VIC%20Care%20Bands%20-%20Agreement%20%26%20Calculation%20Sheet%20V4.1.xlsx
  2. T

    Multiplying times by hours in multiple spreadsheets not calculating [SOLVED]

    Yes, link is correct. Do you have a preferred upload site? http://ul.to/ogz23dxx
  3. T

    Multiplying times by hours in multiple spreadsheets not calculating [SOLVED]

    Yes, link is correct. http://ul.to/ogz23dxx
  4. T

    Multiplying times by hours in multiple spreadsheets not calculating [SOLVED]

    Hello, I have (what I think is) a complicated spreadsheet (link below) in which on the Daily Living Assistance Charges tab is the legend of charges. On the Calculation Sheet tab you will see that 15 minutes has been entered & totals to $64.58 as a minimum weekly cost. This also reflect the...
  5. T

    If's with dates times

    I totally love you! Meet you in Polynesia ;)
  6. T

    If's with dates times

    if r21 & T21 are blank & there is an x in V21 I want it to return "no"
  7. T

    If's with dates times

    So, I'll throw another one in the mix for you... If V21 has x in the cell, in this formula how do you make it also return "no"
  8. T

    If's with dates times

    Oh, it does, doesn't it? I am totally blonde ;)
  9. T

    If's with dates times

    This is crazy! I can see that it works on yours... what am I doing wrong? https://www.dropbox.com/s/fwlxwv2vsg3ily1/KPI%20VOM.xlsx
  10. T

    If's with dates times

    Parenthesis all good but now it still doesn't take into account the due time in T21.
  11. T

    If's with dates times

    Actually no, I need it so that if cells R21 & T21 are blank, then the formula returns a blank too.
  12. T

    If's with dates times

    Got it!! Thanks! This works. Love your work!
  13. T

    If's with dates times

    Argh!!! Your formula is missing a parenthesis! Where do I put it?
  14. T

    If's with dates times

    Thanks, but I don't think this takes into consideration the due time. If my report it returned late it still returns a "yes" when it should return "no"
  15. T

    If's with dates times

    Hui, If R21+T21 are blank, how do I get it to return a blank cell? =IF((R21+T21)<(N21+P21),"yes","NO")
  16. T

    If's with dates times

    Thanks Hui! You're a star!
  17. T

    If's with dates times

    Hello I have a spreadsheet in which I have a report & it's due date & time. N21 is the due by date P21 is the time it is due by R21 is the date the report was received T21 is the time that it was received I would like my formula to return either yes or no if the report was received by the...
  18. T

    Pie Chart calculations

    Hi Sir, No luck unfortunately. I have opened your file & it still does the same thing. I have used LogMeIn before & would be grateful if you could take a look.
  19. T

    Pie Chart calculations

    Hello masters!! I have no idea what's going on.... I have uploaded some screen prints to demonstrate what happens.. https://rapidshare.com/files/1183433909/print screen.docx
  20. T

    Pie Chart calculations

    Hi there! I have a bit of a problem that I can't seem to work out & I'm hoping that you can help me as you usually do.... The pie chart in Question 7 does not calculate correctly. If I put a 1 in the "Don't know" box the chart returns as "poor"...
  21. T

    multiplying hours and minutes by dollars

    Thanks Sir!!! I love you!
  22. T

    multiplying hours and minutes by dollars

    Hi! I have a bit of a sticky problem... On my worksheet I need to calculate billing hours by a dollar value. My formula works fine when my billing is above one hour, however when it is below one hour it doesn't calculate. I have attached my file for reference...