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Search results

  1. N

    Convert Times formula

    Thanks for everybodys help. Regards, NeverSayDie.
  2. N

    Convert Times formula

    Too easy for some and thanks Hui. I was trying to make it more difficult than it was obviously. Every time I used any maths on it, it just increased the time value in the result cell as it auto formatted it the same. The formatting back to 'general' was the trick. I was trying to avoid after...
  3. N

    Convert Times formula

    Hi All, I have been trying to convert race times to seconds. I download them and they come formatted as such 01:12.5 which equates 1 minute 12.5 seconds. I want to convert the formatted time to 72.5 I have tried the 'secound' function but it just returns '13' which is the last bit rounded. I...