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Search results

  1. B

    Efficient methods for extracting data from line graphs in images, especially for larger datasets - Looking for a drag-and-drop solution

    Hi Hui, Thank you so much. I find it very accurate with all the high and low point to the point. I would very much appreciated if you post on how to do this. I have more chart to do work with. :)
  2. B

    Efficient methods for extracting data from line graphs in images, especially for larger datasets - Looking for a drag-and-drop solution

    I need to extract data from line graphs in images, and I've been using an overlay method that requires manually adjusting each (x,y) point until it aligns with the corresponding point in the image. However, this is a time-consuming process, especially for larger datasets - my current graph has...
  3. B

    Max Function with range refering to other cell... Unsuccessful

    Narayank, This is what I've been looking for. Thank you.
  4. B

    Max Function with range refering to other cell... Unsuccessful

    Hi, Working with Max Function as described above. This is the formula that got stuck with: =MAX("G"&(D1-C1):"G"&(D1)) D1 = LARGE(E1:E100,1) C1 = Number of row (Data, Not a formula) Tried the array key press but result, #value.
  5. B

    Using VBA to change the graph series values...Need help

    Luke M, Although I am not very confidence when I first receive your answer, I got it working on the first try. Been looking for the answer for quite sometimes. Am happy that someone had helped me. Again big thank you.
  6. B

    Using VBA to change the graph series values...Need help

    Hi, This is a renew question. I am working on graph auto update for X-axis. Macro A is for graph format and Macro B is for X-axis. Macro A: ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = [R2] Macro B: ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart...
  7. B

    Using VBA to change the graph series values...Need help

    Luke M, Is it possible to get the whole of <"='Sheet1'!" & [AQ30:AQ90].Address> to link to the spreadsheet like macro A? If I need to change the range, I can instantly change from the spreadsheet instead of in the VBA.
  8. B

    Using VBA to change the graph series values...Need help

    Hi, I get macro A to work but with same concept the macro B doesn't seem to work. What ever values added after = will be show in the graph series values. I have try function text and value but only show same result. Series value shows ='Sheet1'!$AD$22 instead of ='Sheet1'!$AQ$30:$AQ$90...
  9. B

    Looking for better formula of iferror, index and match

    Full formula: =IFERROR(INDEX('Sheet2'!$B$100:$B250,MATCH(C100/2,'Sheet2'!$C$100:$C$250,0)),"") Can the formula be improved? Details: Formula is insert in Sheet 1 Column A. Sheet 2 is all data. Sheet 1: A B 1 30 2 3 30 4 5 30 6 7 30 8 9 30 10 11 30 12 Sheet 2: A B 30 1 30 2...
  10. B

    Fix range in formula and range refer to other sheet

    Problem Solved. After adjustment, new formula is =index('Sheet1'!$D$100:$D$250,C100) Thanks. http://www.excelforum.com/excel-general/700964-how-to-fix-a-large-range-of-cells.html Row 4.
  11. B

    Fix range in formula and range refer to other sheet

    Full formula: =index('Sheet1'!D100:D250,C100) The fix range is 'Sheet1'!D100:D250. When copy and paste to other row, the range about is fix but C100 is flexible. Searched online. The formula indirect is used but formula not working when linked to other sheet. Other solution is welcome.
  12. B

    Using Lookup(aaa,bbb) to show result of after number instead of before

    =Lookup(aaa,Column 1) Column 1 consists of number 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Full list of aaa is from 1 to 20. The only formula error is: =Lookup(1, Column 1) =#N/A How to get the formula to show result as 2? Result of 0 is not allowed.
  13. B

    Add vertical line to 2 graphs with different scale x-axis at the same time

    Hui I see where you are going. It's probably the best way to do it now. Big Thanks.
  14. B

    Add vertical line to 2 graphs with different scale x-axis at the same time

  15. B

    Add vertical line to 2 graphs with different scale x-axis at the same time

    Two graphs with different scale x-axis. Graph No. 1 with smaller time frame, Daily. Graph No. 2 with larger time frame, Weekly. Objective: Add vertical line to mark the same times in both graphs. Trouble is both graph already utilise the secondary axis. VBA is allowed.
  16. B

    What formula to use if function cant sustain the list? Lookup doesn't help

    Hi Roy, The formula is separated from the data column. Luke M's formula works for me.
  17. B

    What formula to use if function cant sustain the list? Lookup doesn't help

    All the data is not sorted and filled one by one in order throughout. 1 3000 2 2950 3 2700 4 3000 . . . 59 2350 60 2400 if there is not data in row 60, the formula should show data in row 59. The first formula really help to solve the problem. Do you mind explain the 1E-99? I...
  18. B

    What formula to use if function cant sustain the list? Lookup doesn't help

    Said there is a set of data of 1 column and 60 rows. The "if" function is connected in such manner. =if(A60>0,A60,if(A59>0,A59,if(A58>0,A58 and so on. The problem is "if" can't fulfill all the condition. If I use the lookup, there is not exactly number to look for because the 60...
  19. B

    Using macro to change graph axis... a little lost

    Found this after searching and asking a lot. But your works great. It's easy to understand. Thanks Hui.
  20. B

    Use one line chart with a series of data but show only one data at a time

    Hi, how are you all doing? I am working on some science project. I have 500 series of data that I would like to put on one line chart. And the difficult part is I need to observe how the line behave. I wonder if there is a way to show just one series at a time. Any idea without breaking my...