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Search results

  1. U

    Lock tabs from viewing

    I love this site. Thank you, you two for the quick feedback. The comment that " if someone really would like to see others 'tab', then - that's possible to do too." is concerning because this is payroll information. With that, I will simply create a spreadsheet for each employee.
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    Lock tabs from viewing

    I am running commissions for our five sales reps. I am creating an excel file where I will track their progress. I'd like to do this in one excel file with five tabs, one for each sales rep. I'd like to password protect each tab with a unique password so that to view the tab, you have to have...
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    VBA code and data validation

    That worked! Thank you both, NARAYANK991 and SirJB7, for your assistance
  4. U

    VBA code and data validation

    I am getting a runtime 424 error message and when I click to debug it is higlighting these rows: If Not (Application.Intersect(Range("A1"), Target)) Is Nothing Or _ Not (Application.Intersect(Range("D1"), Target)) Is Nothing Then
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    VBA code and data validation

    In cell A1 I have data validation that only allows a list of 1, 2, or 3. In cell D1, I have data validation that only allows a list of A, B, or C. I need to keep a user from selecting 1 in cell A1 and C in cell D1. I cannot figure out how to keep a user from selecting this combination. Is...
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    Using names in a formula

    For some reason that is not working for me.
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    Using names in a formula

    Oh well. Thank you for the reply.
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    Using names in a formula

    I have created a formula that references a cell on another tab and after the formula was created, named the cell on the other tab. Is there a quick way to update my formula to list the name, not the cell on the other tab? Thank you for your help.
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    vlookup formula won't update

    Are both workbooks open at the same time? They are not. Do you need to update the links? The link is stil valid, if that is what you are asking. Is calculation mode in Automatic? It was not. I turned it on and the vlookup formula updated. Everytime I close book 1, it turns the automatic...
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    vlookup formula won't update

    I have a vlookup in book 1 that references a list of values in book 2. When the numbers in the list in book 2 are updated, the vlookup in book 1 does not update. Do you know how I can address this?