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Search results

  1. S

    Report by month based on date

    I have a spreadsheet with two different date columns. One for started date and one for closed date. The tate format is dd.mm.yyyy In order to report how many cases that was opened and closed each month I need a way to do this. I was planning to add a new columnd next to the date columns and...
  2. S

    Custom cell formating

    The information is taken from a database that have no Excel eksport function. Så I mark it on screen and paste into Excel and excel cjanges it to date format. To put ' in front is a lot of work.
  3. S

    Custom cell formating

    I'm putting in information from into Excel. All lines are numbered in chapeter numbers that is important to keep. 14.1.0 14.1.1 14.1.2 14.2.0 14.2.1 How can I keep this format in excel? Problem now is that it changes it to date.
  4. S

    Help with IF formula

    Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks :-)
  5. S

    Help with IF formula

    I have two columns containing dates. I'm trying to write a formula in a third column returning an X if the date in B is larger than the date in A. If date A is bigger or like B i want the cell to be blank. IF A1=B1 leave blank IF A1>B1 leave blank If A1<B1 return an X
  6. S

    Convert Letter to number

    Thanks. Just the functionality I was looking for.
  7. S

    Convert Letter to number

    I have added a copy of some of the lines in my workbook. I want Excel to return the number of the letter in the alphabeth from column E into column J and leave empty if E is a number.
  8. S

    Convert Letter to number

    Thanks, but this do not work. Excell returnes #NAME?
  9. S

    Convert Letter to number

    I have a spreadsheet with one coumn contaoing drawing revision. This can be either number or letters. I want to create a new column where the revision letter is changed to a number. A=1, B=2 ... Where the revision is a number I want the new coumn to leave the cell empty. Anyone who can help?
  10. S

    Button to turn on an off diferent filters

    Is it possible to make a button with a macro ore something that turns on a filter? I have some filters that I would like to assign to a button. And allso a button that turns off all the filters. Can anyone guide me in that?
  11. S

    Changing range in Dynamic Filter

    Thanks to Luke M for a good answer. Is it possible to make a button with a macro ore something that turns on that filter? I allso have some other filters that I would like to assign to a button. And allso a button that turns off all the filters. Can anyone guide me in that?
  12. S

    Changing range in Dynamic Filter

    I need to filter my listings in Excel to show only elements with due date the next two weeks. I find next week and next month in the dynamic filtering. Is it possible to change that to next two weeks (or 14 days)? How can I manage to change that?
  13. S

    Is it possible to create a bar chart showing planed amount and a bar overlappig

    I have a simple tabel in Excel Total 140 Completed 100 Rest 40 I want to create a line showing the total number(140) with a new line inside showing the number of completed tasks. My idea is to have a long bar in one colour showing the total number of tasks and one bar in...
  14. S

    Excel chart greates multiple images and slows dow the program

    Thanks Hui. I was able to delete all "extra" images, but when I make some changes and saves it the problem starts all over again. Wath I need is a vay to prevent Excel from greating all those imagers og the chart. When I made the spreadsheet I also madfe it to save the Chart tab as a Single...
  15. S

    Excel chart published to web, how to cancel that operation?

    I have a spreadsheet where the chart is saved as a Singel File Web page and published on a Share Point Site. Now I want to turn of that function but can't find out how to.
  16. S

    Excel chart greates multiple images and slows dow the program

    I have a spreadsheet with a s-curve on a seperat tab. Problem is that every time the file is saved it creates a new image of the curve. And now it is so many that the spreadsheet chrashes every time I try to do something. When i select the graph area it says "Picture 734" Does I realy have 734...
  17. S

    Date input

    Thanks, that works fine. I'm using Excel 2003 English and Norwegian keybord
  18. S

    Date input

    I use the numpad for inserting dates in excel. I find it annoying that Icant use the , key but have to use the . key instead. i I use the input format dd.mm.yyyy if I use dd,mm,yyyy excel doesn't reckognise it as a date. Any sugestions? Is that something thaty can be fixed in excel?
  19. S

    Calculate overdue days

    A blank cell. I only want it to sjow number of days overdue
  20. S

    Calculate overdue days

    Ther date in B1 is the due date and if it's not completed within that date it is overdue.
  21. S

    Calculate overdue days

    I don't wanty number og remaining days because the list is supposed to show overdue. The list is to be used to send to people to remind them of completing the task.
  22. S

    Calculate overdue days

    Thanks! Only one small problem. It returns overdue dates with a negative sign in frint. Ex: -11 Thats OK. But it also returns number of days left to date and I don't want that to show.