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  1. R

    Excel Formula [SOLVED]

    Thank you so much!
  2. R

    Excel Formula [SOLVED]

    is there a way to update the date in a cell that has text also and show it as a date formate for the date part I have a Cell that i have to update the date part of the text daily. EX Completed Loans 7/18/13 I got it to work with ="Completed Loans"&" "&Today() but it comes up as Completed...
  3. R

    excel formula question

    to clarify if needed i what the formula to do this: if cell F2 = "Stewart" and cell BJ2 doesn't = "MFC" and cell BN2 = "#N/A" or if cell F2 = "Stewart" and cell BJ2 = "MFC" and cell BN2 = "#N/A" and BO2 doesnt="#N/A" true = "Y" false - "N"
  4. R

    excel formula question

    i wasn't worried about the amount of nested items but more the the ability to do a if statement that has a Or and a And within it. the formula that i am tryng that isn't working is as such...
  5. R

    excel formula question

    Can you do a If or with a If and nested in it? So i am thinkig it would be something like this if it is possible: =IF(OR(And(first condition, second condition, …, etc)),If(and(first condition, second condition, …, etc)),Y,N)
  6. R

    turning 0 on a chart into blanks

    I have a array for my chart and since I am using a formula even though the it shows a blank it still inputs a 0 opn the chart. Is there anyway i can make it so it doesn't show the 0 on the chart when it should be blank?
  7. R

    Vlookup Blanks as blanks not 0

    Thank you Deb that is exactly what i needed you are a life saver!
  8. R

    Vlookup Blanks as blanks not 0

    I am doing a Vlookup and it is returning 0 if there is a blank for that date but i want it to return the blank so when i take the average the blanks are not lowering the average with the zeros Any help would great Thank you.
  9. R

    Vlookup Formula question

    Is there are way to drag a vlookup formula so that the Lookup_Value field stays the same but the Col_index_num increases as you drag the formula?
  10. R

    Dashboard help

    Hello I am tryign to figure out the best way to show my data in a dashboard view. I have 100 or so associates that I score their production and quality. I am currently just using a pivot but would like to come up with something better and more pleasent to the eye like in a dashboard view where...