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  1. R

    An alternative formula

    Thanks Hui, Your 1st formula is really good and I am very happy with it as I compare it with my crude and layman kind of formula. You are so kind to provide another formula which seems not working as I desired, the reason might be that you are not aware of the actual dates I have which are now...
  2. R

    An alternative formula

    Thanks again Hui, I needed to get the anniversary dates if the month and day already passed then in that case the result should be next years' date. If the month and day yet to pass then current year, for which your second formula fails as you can see below the dates on right side. Also the...
  3. R

    An alternative formula

    Awesome! Thanks a lot, it is highly sophisticated than my formula. Have great day.
  4. R

    An alternative formula

    Hi all, I have dates in column D and I am using this formula “=IF(DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),MONTH(D3),DAY(D3))>DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),MONTH(TODAY()),DAY(TODAY())),DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),MONTH(D3),DAY(D3)),DATE(YEAR(TODAY())+1,MONTH(D3),DAY(D3)))” in next column to determine the anniversary dates, the formula...
  5. R

    Match names and dates from source data

    Sorry the file was not attached to my previous post.
  6. R

    Match names and dates from source data

    HI, I need further help, Sam's "ISNUMBER, MATCH, OFFSET" formula working fine on attached file but as an improvement I am trying to export calender from sharepoint to my data input (sheet1, row 28 onwards). The exported dates have time included, therefore need help to alter the existing...
  7. R

    Match names and dates from source data

    Sam, Thanks a lot, it works perfectly and your help highly appreciated. Have a great day.
  8. R

    Match names and dates from source data

    Hi Sam, Thanks and it is almost as I wanted, but if you look at my sample formula, it is excluding weekend and holidays. I want weekend and holidays to be blank, for that I used NETWORKDAYS.INTL function into my formula, so if you can modify your formula to give blank cells on weekend and...
  9. R

    Match names and dates from source data

    Please see the attached file, what I want is match the selected month and name in sheet "view", cells B2 and A4 with the names and dates listed in sheet 2. The sample shown in "view" sheet is data matched from sheet 1. I want the same kind of output but with selected month and name and you may...
  10. R

    Mark days between two dates

    Hi Xiq & Narayank991, Thanks a lot, I chose the first formula and wanted to apologize for not able to thank promptly. Thanks and have a great day. Raza
  11. R

    Mark days between two dates

    I want to fill “X” in the cells that fall between to dates, suppose cell A1 has start date “Oct 1” and cell B1 has end date “Oct 10”, I want 10 cells (from C1 to L1) to be filled with “X” excluding weekend. Appreciate any help.
  12. R

    Multiple Conditions

    Hi, Creating four named ranges: _hours: ='Booking Codes'!$D$4:INDEX('Booking Codes'!$4:$12,,COUNTA('Booking Codes'!$1:$3))` _week: ='Booking Codes'!$D$3:INDEX('Booking Codes'!$3:$3,,COUNTA('Booking Codes'!$1:$3))` Booking_Code: ='Booking Codes'!$C$4:$C$12 Team_Member: ='Booking...
  13. R

    Cost evaluation

    kchiba, thanks again, yes i know Hui is always correct, with Fred explanation i understood Hui's point and thanks to you, Hui and Fred.
  14. R

    Cost evaluation

    Fred, thank you for such easy to understand clarification, this has cleared all doubts, this a great help, thanks again. kchiba, thanks for your time and comments, answer to your question is, yes i enter into new lease upon expiry of the each leasing period, either 36 months or 48 months...
  15. R

    Cost evaluation

    Thank you very much Hui, whenever I seek help here at Chandoo.org most often you helps me out. I wish if you had elaborated a little more or provided an example, anyway I will try to work out with your guideline. Just a clarification for you, quotes by the supplier are non-negotiable, so...
  16. R

    Cost evaluation

    Thanks kchiba & Hui for responding. It is not about cost per unit per month. I need to choose one offer either alt 1 or alt 2. The leasing is on contract basis and if i choose alt 2, which is for 48 months, i need to see is it really cost saving option for me, because if i choose alt 1 for 36...
  17. R

    Cost evaluation

    I need to evaluate and choose the best option from the two alternatives below, using previous leasing cost as base. Hope someone can help, at least to guide me how to set a scenario using data table or some other method. Any help is highly appreciated. New leasing cost $ 553,456 for 238...
  18. R

    Count names at the end of each name change

    Hui, As usual quick and perfect solution, thanks a lot. Values in column C does not repeat later so i have used the first Formula and it works perfectly. Thanks again.
  19. R

    Count names at the end of each name change

    I have data in 3 columns of my sheet (Col A to C) . In (Col D) I need a formula to count all entries of (Col C) which has same name. Suppose C1 to C5 has same name the result should be 5 but the result should appear in D5 only and D1 to D4 should be blank. The required formula should count...
  20. R

    IF function to include with another formula

    Hui, As usual perfect solutions, both of your formulas working well, with the first formula i need to adjust the column width, the width in my sheet is 5 it works well if i use...
  21. R

    IF function to include with another formula

    Hui, Thanks for the reply, i want to enter first three letters of each weekday(sun=sunday and so on), if that meets the criteria, my formulas are all working well except in last 1 or 2 rows if the days of month are less than 30 days. Hope this is clear for you. Thanks once again.
  22. R

    IF function to include with another formula

    Please if someone can help, I have 31 rows in column-A starting at A9 (numbered 1 to 31)and in row 29 to 31 has this formula: =IF(OR(A36="",DAY(EOMONTH($L$4,0))=A36),"",A36+1), that checks the number of days based on referenced date in cell L4 and define the last day of month either 29, 30 or...
  23. R

    Assigning symbol to positive/negative numbers in a cell

    Hui, Thanks a lot, works perfect, great help as usual.
  24. R

    Assigning symbol to positive/negative numbers in a cell

    cyrilz, Thanks for quick response, but the value in I2 is the result from a formula [=C15-SUM(F15:F20)] so it can change to either negative or positive as the values in the dependant cells changes. Hope it makes sense to you and everyone else.
  25. R

    Assigning symbol to positive/negative numbers in a cell

    Hello all, I want to show (down arrow) if value in a cell is negative number and show (up arrow) if value is positive number . I tried this formula [=IF(I2=TRUE(),”p”,”q”)] and used font type wingding3, but it works only for negative value not changing when value is positive number. Any help...