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  1. srinidhi

    Project Portfolio dashboard – Question

    Pls upload the file
  2. srinidhi

    Error msg for Repated value in array

    Data>Validation and choose "Custom" , insert this formula =COUNTIF($b$3:$e$6,b3)=1. This will pop up a message if a duplicate value is entered
  3. srinidhi

    numeric field to text

    This can be done with UDF, User defined function.
  4. srinidhi

    Percentage of column total

    Insert a column in your raw data & calculate the percentage. The same can be dragged & dropped in the pivot table. If this is not the solution you are looking for, please upload your data. I guess you have uploaded the pivot part
  5. srinidhi


    You have to use the Index & Match formula, Index(result u want to display,MATCH('value to be matched',Range to look up for ,FALSE),1) its an Array Formula
  6. srinidhi

    Paste special cells

    Highlight the data you want to copy Press f5>Special>Visible Cells Only>ok Now copy the data it will copy on the visible cell & not the hidden cells. Hope this solves your problem.
  7. srinidhi

    hide a series in a chart

    Please upload a sample workbook
  8. srinidhi

    Need Help in preparing good interactive chart

    I have uploaded the same in the old post as well......
  9. srinidhi

    how to extract data from two different worksbooks based on a condition?

    You mean to say the start date shld be a Monday, or any Monday b/w the start date & end date. To determine if the start date is Monday use =CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(A2),"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat") In Sheet1 in workbook3 use If formula to determine the count & priority
  10. srinidhi

    working with Cell Format

    Just / it by 1,00,000, if you want 2,50,000 to be displayed as 2.5, just / it by 1,00,000
  11. srinidhi

    How to create TWO comparative measures in Bullet chart ?

    Please upload a sample file. It will be easy for us to address your query.
  12. srinidhi

    Please Help me in preparing a good interactive chart

    Your heading & your query refers to 2 different topics. I have uploaded the file based on your query & not the heading
  13. srinidhi

    Please Help me in preparing a good interactive chart

    Uploaded the file, hope this what you were looking for.
  14. srinidhi

    Calculating Availablity for branches

    08.00 am to 04.00 pm when converted to minutes is 480 & 08:00 am to 02:30 pm when converted to minutes is 390. could not understand how you got 14880 & 12090
  15. srinidhi

    Shortest way to change to mannual feed font colour

    In Home Tab in Find & Select, click on Constants, this will highlight only the data where there is no formula. Now change the font color by clicking the font color in the home Tab.
  16. srinidhi

    Web Query

    Got to data tab > from web, type the URL & when the login screen comes, feed the user name & password & follow the wizard. The data will appear in the excel. When you refresh the data will be updated. This will happen the password is changed......
  17. srinidhi

    Data validated [SOLVED]

    If there are blank cells in the data. highlight the data press f5 > go to special box appears, choose blanks, press ok. the blank cells are highlighted home tab>Delete>Delete Cells & select the shift cells left. This will not show the blank cells in the drop down list
  18. srinidhi

    Data validated [SOLVED]

    Without opening the workbook, as it does not open in my office. You can try this. Dynamic Drop Down/ Drop Down based on other cell value Highlight the data>Formulas Tab>create from selection.This will create 2 named ranges based on your selection. The first named range will be of...
  19. srinidhi

    Count if with count A array [SOLVED]

    I am in office, unable to open the workbook, try count-ifs, with the condition & criteria
  20. srinidhi

    Copy data from multiple sheets to a new workbook in a different format

    Hi Rao, It will be good if you maintain all your data in Tables as the data is updated everyweek. You can use the 3D reference or try out with the inbuilt consolidation in Data Tab(excel 2007 & above) Please post a sample workbook as it will be more clear as to how your data looks & what...
  21. srinidhi

    Counting text combinations in a row

    Countif will do the job for you.
  22. srinidhi

    Vacation tracking

    Multiply the result by 24, as 24 is the hrs in a day. For ex, if the resource has taken 2 days off, then 2*24=48 hrs
  23. srinidhi

    Drop down list Blank cells [SOLVED]

    Please check the Ignore blank check box next to the List in Data Validation
  24. srinidhi

    Adding blank rows in between available in one shot

    It is very simple --Insert a temporary column say (ColA)next to your data --In cell A1 enter 1, in A2 enter A2..Autofill upto 566 --Copy & paste A1:A566 from A567 --Now sort ColA ascending --Delete ColA The alternative blank rows are inserted. If you dont want to sort. You will need the...
  25. srinidhi

    Sum Criteria [SOLVED]

    Hi, It will be easier for us to help you out, if you could upload a sample workbook