Yes and no,
If the value is 100 then green
if the value is 99.9 or less then a different color, say yellow.
the problem is excel rounds up when moving the decimal to the left.
column c is no decimal point
column d is deceimal moved to the right 2
therefore c3 is not truly 100% but 99.5% and...
Khilid, Thx
The problem is 2c is not truly 100% and I dont want it to reflect that.
I prefer it to show 99%. It only shows that if i move the decimal point to the left.
a b c. D
1. 423 447 95% 94.63%
2. 244 245 100% 99.59%
3. 179 179 100% 100.00%
As you can see above 2C is rouned up.
If I set cond fmt to set the color to green for those at 100% it only works for 3c not 2c.
And if I use the...
wow your right data validation is part of what i wanted..
i want it to check to make sure it follows that validation and if it doesnt give me the conditional format.
thx guys..
is there a way to use Conditional Format to tell you you are missing a specific amount of Characters?
You have a cell the will contain Numeric.Alpha (0123456789.A).
does not matter what the value is except (10 numbers.1 Character) only, no more no less.
Using LEN you can count characters in a cell.
if you have a range of cells that must have 12 characters always in each cell, how can you use the LEN command with a conditional format if less than 12 characters exist in a cell?
That is the way i was doing it but was trying to make a column with the dates involved and just tell it to look for that date in column a of first tab in table of secondtab and count how many time it finds it.
how would you write a formula to count the quantity of how many times a particular date on a different Tab.
i have this but can't seem to get it to work
Too few Arguments
I just tried to use the conditional formatting that Chandoo sent out for my problem below but I could not get it to work.
Lets say you wanted to set a conditional format for dates from 10 months then 11 months the expired after the 365 days or 1 year from now?
So if the date is set to 1 June...
is there a way when using VLOOKUP to throw in conditional formatting?
example if i have a lookup and it finds the item is there a way to color code that item that it found?
Let me set this up first. I have a table that is 434 rows long and columns A-AJ. It is set up with a few conditional formats (no data=Red), and one simple formula. Here is my problem; I have to update this spreadsheet once a week from an export downloaded from a web site. The process I...
walla, great it worked. i did start playing with =today() last night but could not get it right. i tried using +365, -365 but never thought of using the greater than. dah
I should add, i have tried "format only cells that contain" then "dates Occuring" and put 365 but it doesnt work.
i should also add the cell already has a date populated in it. but when that date is 365 days past i would like the cell to change to red.
how can a place a conditional format on a column?
I have a column that monitors a dates, if the date is over 365 days the condition would be to change the cell to red
yes but maybe i explained it wrong; i realize this is a little different than my first post but i was playing with what you posted to see if i could make it work.
i want to use column b as an input area. i am counting money and want to keep a running total of the quantity of the denomination...
Having an issue with sum and subtotal or not sure if i should be using either;
a b c d
1 Cost qty sub-total total
2 1.00 1 15 15.00
the problem is when i change b1 it also changes c2 and d2 to whatever number i put.
i need it to add the qty to c2 then add the amount to d2
So if i put...
Is there sometimes something wrong with using D as a variable?
The formula works great for other letters I'm using except D
I even used find and replace to replace all of the D's to DD or Team D and it found and replaced 36 D's.
Then of course adjust the formula but then the formula only...
yours work, i did remove the absolute for testing
Wins / =SUMIF(C:C,"J",d:d)+SUMIF(f:f,"J",g:g)+SUMIF(j:j,"J",k:k)+SUMIF(m:m,"J",n:n)
Loses / =SUMIF(C:C,"J",e:e)+SUMIF(f:f,"J",h:h)+SUMIF(j:j,"J",l:l)+SUMIF(m:m,"J",o:o)...
not sure what the heck happened, copied all values and formulas only into a new file...!198&parid=2B770C659A94550D!102
last nite i played with it some more and came up with this;
=SUMIF(C2:O144,"A",D2:N144) for wins
=SUMIF(C2:O144,"A",E2:O144) for Loses
but i see some margin for error using these.
i will try your formula
i reloade a new file to skydrive titled league_example1.2.xlsx