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  1. Sam Mathai Chacko

    How to hide the menu bar in excel

    Just to avoid any confusion, point 2 in Lohith's post above works only for Excel 2010 and above.
  2. Sam Mathai Chacko

    How to hide the menu bar in excel

    Did you try any of the suggestions by the Ninjas, or Brij by any chance?
  3. Sam Mathai Chacko

    Combine these two macros so the 2nd macro is called by header names from the 1sf macro

    Try this Sub fmt() Const ColList As String = "Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4" Dim Heading As Variant, ColArray As Variant Dim headingFound As Range ColArray = Split(ColList, ",") For Each Heading In ColArray On Error Resume Next Set headingFound =...
  4. Sam Mathai Chacko

    Combine these two macros so the 2nd macro is called by header names from the 1sf macro

    Tim, what exactly is the end goal here? Maybe if you tell us the objective, then one could suggest what and how to do this.
  5. Sam Mathai Chacko

    How to hide the menu bar in excel

  6. Sam Mathai Chacko

    assigning range values to an array

    I guess there's some confusion about 2 dimensions. When an array is assigned by passing values from a range (whether M x 1 or 1 x N), it will always be two dimensional, which means that the array will have column(s) and row(s). That doesn't mean there will be more than 1 column if it is a single...
  7. Sam Mathai Chacko

    assigning range values to an array

    Thanks for the link Narayan. somehow, I doubt that too. Can you re-confirm?
  8. Sam Mathai Chacko

    Resource Calculation / Task tracking

    While you revert to Narayan's question, can you also say why the number of days for the second and third activities are 91 and 29 respectively, when the days are actually 92 and 29? Are you considering some kind of holiday in between? If yes, that's probably why the number of days for the first...
  9. Sam Mathai Chacko

    assigning range values to an array

    Hi Narayan, Just curious why you say that there will always be 1 column 'more' than that in the range? If the passed range has only 1 column, I think I've seen the array also having just one column. I probably am missing something, so could you let me know.
  10. Sam Mathai Chacko

    Formula Challenge 021 - SUMIF in Merged cells.

    OK, guess I'll just go with the assumption that SUMIF is not a mandate =SUM((LOOKUP(ROW(D),IF(D<>"",ROW(D)))=TRANSPOSE(IF(D=2,ROW(D))))*V)
  11. Sam Mathai Chacko

    Formula Challenge 021 - SUMIF in Merged cells.

    Just to query. I see a line which says that the solution should be using SUMIF function. I don't see any solution using SUMIF above. So am I misunderstanding something?
  12. Sam Mathai Chacko

    assigning range values to an array

    You probably posted the above without knowing I had posted one way to do it. Can you try that?
  13. Sam Mathai Chacko

    assigning range values to an array

    You've mentioned 2 columns in your dimensioned string array. Not sure why you need to, if you only need to pass one column. Anyway, here's an example of how you can pass values from a range to an array Sub SMC() Dim varSourceValues as Variant varSourceValues = Range("B1:B1000").Value...
  14. Sam Mathai Chacko

    Copy and paste visible cells in the same worksheet

    I would have thought it's straight forward. In a normal sense, you just need to copy the entire range of cells and paste it elsewhere. This will not copy the hidden cells. Since you are mentioning something about 'cleaning up' the cells, maybe you want to attach a sample file and explain your...
  15. Sam Mathai Chacko

    VBA macro to combine 2 workbooks into 1 workbook

    Brian, got a bit delayed. Just wanted to check, what about the name of the months in the folder? Will there be multiple months? How would the code determine whether you're looking at Aug or Sep, or any other month for that matter? Also, can we assume that if the type 1 file is present, then it...
  16. Sam Mathai Chacko

    VBA macro to combine 2 workbooks into 1 workbook

    OK, and do you have a list of the Clients somewhere? Or does this have to be picked from the folder dynamically? By the way, pretty late here. If you don't get help by tomorrow, I'll get back to you.
  17. Sam Mathai Chacko

    macro to insert formula with if condition

    I used GR instead of DR.. can you try the code again? Just modified it.
  18. Sam Mathai Chacko

    Paste Excel Range into Body of Email

    Not sure how you can get -1. Even if your second post, the line StrMsg = ActiveSheet.Range("C5:E150").Copy wil not execute
  19. Sam Mathai Chacko

    macro to insert formula with if condition

    Try this Sub SMC1() Dim rng As Range For Each rng In Range("g1:g100") 'Adjust as necessary If UCASE(rng.Value) = "DR" Then Cells(rng.Row, "H").Value = Cells(rngRow,"B").Value ElseIf UCASE(rng.Value) = "CR" Then Cells(rng.Row, "H").Value =...
  20. Sam Mathai Chacko

    Format cells with "sum" in using vba macro

    Just writing this on the run here. This is just one way of doing it. Sub SMC() Dim rng As Range For Each rng In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells If rng.Locked = False And InStr(1, UCase(rng.Formula), "SUM(") > 0 Then rng.Interior.Color = vbRed End If Next...
  21. Sam Mathai Chacko

    What would be most efficient method to secure workbook

    Not sure about most efficient way, but a few good ways (though easily bypassed by many) to secure a workbook would be Open-Write protection, Sheet Protection and Workbook Protection.
  22. Sam Mathai Chacko

    Browse excel file

    Check post #4 by Juan. This seems to be exactly what you are looking for http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/47074-get-worksheet-names-closed-workbook.html
  23. Sam Mathai Chacko

    Paste Excel Range into Body of Email

    This seems like what you are looking to do http://www.excelfox.com/forum/f2/mailing-a-range-or-selection-in-the-body-of-an-e-mail-message-help-323/ http://www.excelfox.com/forum/f18/send-outlook-mail-with-signature-range-from-excel-and-multiple-email-ids-304/
  24. Sam Mathai Chacko

    Browse excel file

    So once you browse to a file, you want to know the names of each sheets in the file without actually opening it?