sachinbizboy, this is an inbuilt fail-safe mechanism in Outlook
To disable this, you could go to Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings... > Programmatic Access >> Never warn me about suspicious activity (not recommended) and enable it
If a group policy or anti-virus disables this...
saeed, can you test this in one of the files first, and see if it's working to plan. If yes, then I'll create one that looks at a list of workbooks in a range of cells, and find out the linked path for each of the workbooks, and have an easy way to update them
By the way, I do not know of a...
I don't have any suggestion or point for improvement. So not sure how much value add this comment would be. But I think it's pure genius, and fine talent. I wouldn't dream about wracking my brain to this extent (it'd certainly short-circuit)!. Simply amazing.
There are many ways to do this. Here's one which doesn't use helper column
and another one that you need to enter as an array formula
mani_bbc05, sorry for being cryptic there.
the Me that I used for your solution was referring to the parent sheet where you had those option buttons. Any class object that offers a code module can be referred to within that code module as Me
In an Excel VBA project, the code modules for...
This is a very basic way to do it. Can you test this for one of the linked files? If this works, then I'll create a more slicker version
Sub UpdateWorkbookLink()
Dim wbk As Workbook
Const strOldLink As String = "C:\Users\Sam Mathai\Downloads\File 08.xlsx"
Const strNewLink As...
Try using this instead
Sub RemoveCharList(lngColIndex As Long)
Dim char As Variant, x As Variant
Dim LR As Long, i As Long, j As Long
char = Array("[", "&", "%") ' Change this to suit
LR = Cells(Rows.Count, lngColIndex).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To LR...
Sorry, I didn't mean to say it was OK. I get a bit lost when there's formula in more than 2-3 cells. So I'd rather not push my luck, and let it pass for other minds to validate.
To keep away the nuances of sheet protection and cell locking, I would suggest using a text box.
And just use this code in the respective sheet module
Private Sub OptionButton1_Change()
Me.OLEObjects(Array("OptionButton3", "OptionButton4", "OptionButton5")).Enabled =...
Here's your code Brian
Sub SMC()
Const strFolder As String = "C:\Users\Sam Mathai\Downloads\"
Const strMonthYear As String = "June 2013"
Const strPattern As String = "* R " & strMonthYear & " Statement.xlsx"
Dim strFile As String
Dim wbk(1 To 2) As Workbook...
Have a look at this one
Function GETLATESTFILE(strPath As String, strInitialFileName As String, strFileExtension As String) As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim lngDate As Long
strFile = Dir(strPath & strInitialFileName & "*" & strFileExtension)
While strFile <> ""...