What is the critieria for session i.e. how many classes do you need to have in order to have a session? What is the relation of room and location? is the class same as room or does it refer to a subject?
From your post i have understood that ..
Associate = student
classes = subject offered
instructor = instructor
Can we work with smaller sample of data to model the problem?
Hello JCTalk,
I regret the formula i mentioned count "Unique" values and not duplicates. Please go by @Bosco's formula as it is producing correct results.
Thank you.
Try this:
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(A2:A100<>"No IP address",1,IF(A2:A100<>"",MATCH(A2:A100,A2:A100,0))),ROW(A2:A100)-ROW(A2)+1),1))
With ctrl+shift+enter
Idea Adopted from:
Please see attachement for workout. The formula has been adopted from Get Digital Help's following Link:
The problem was in your data and not in pivot table. If you look at your data, some of the cities were missing either of the age categories. For Chicago, there was no entry for age bracket >= 2, similarly for London there was no entry for bracket 0-1.
When you are making pivot table...
It is not"consensus" but my humble opinion.
Any one else can surely do that without helper column. As i was reviewing the worksheet it appeared that either some very tricky formula or a very lengthy one will solve the issue. But as i have observed in course of time, both become problematic...
Hi Kieradee
you have explained sheet very well but can point to the cell which need to worked out i think the second range of cell with employer taxes needed to be work out. What is the correct answer you are expecting for data of row 7 and 8?