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Search results

  1. jeffreyweir

    Since I upgraded to Excel 2016 I can't seem to upload sample files here

    Anyone else have this issue? I upgraded to Excel 2016, but when I go to upload a file, no xls or xls* files of any type show up in the Open Files dialog when I go to attach a sample file here. For instance, here's the view I get from using File Explorer to view my folder, that confirms that I...
  2. jeffreyweir

    Nested If statement using multiple conditions

    What should happen in the event of other combinaitons? e.g. If the Condition 1 is "OPEN" AND Condition 2 is "Suspended" and Condition 3 is "0"? By far the easiest way to do this is via a lookup table, where you have a lookup table that concatenates (joins) Condition 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 together into...
  3. jeffreyweir

    Multiple Filters Question within VBA

    Any reason you can't just use a PivotTable? Or slicers? Or both? What version of Excel do you have?
  4. jeffreyweir

    Two cells in different workbooks have the exact number, why does the VLOOKUP not find in an array?

    Hmm. For some reason I can't seem to upload the sample file. That's happened a few times recently. I'll try again later.
  5. jeffreyweir

    Two cells in different workbooks have the exact number, why does the VLOOKUP not find in an array?

    It might be an extra space, or a non printing character, or similar. I blogged about a similar situation at http://dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2014/08/09/one-of-these-things-is-not-like-the-other/ Furthermore, there's a good explanation of non printing characters at...
  6. jeffreyweir

    Substring search exclusions

    Here's a good forum post discussing this kind of thing further: http://forum.chandoo.org/threads/search-for-multiple-texts-in-cell-return-specific-text.20507/#post-123391 You can also use this formula in my example above: =LOOKUP(8^5,SEARCH(Table[Terms], [@Input]),Table[Amount]) I learned that...
  7. jeffreyweir

    Substring search exclusions

    Another alternative is to use a lookup table with wildcards, and carefully order your list of lookup terms in order of preference. Here's a screenshot from a book I'm writing that has such an example:
  8. jeffreyweir

    Want to create multiple series on one legend in line chart.

    Moiz: the image you have attached is for a Pakistan Identity Card.
  9. jeffreyweir

    Complex interpolation

    Sounds to me like you need to do a regression analysis on this. I've previously done two-way interpolation, as a formula challenge. Very complicated. See http://forum.chandoo.org/threads/formula-challenge-010-two-way-interpolation.11305/
  10. jeffreyweir

    Replacement for SUMIF

    I've added a comprehensive answer to that StackOverflow link that draws on content from my book.
  11. jeffreyweir

    Replacement for SUMIF

    Is there any reason you can't use a PivotTable to do this? That would fix the issue completely.
  12. jeffreyweir

    Data filters in pivot tables running very slow

    Yes, you really should run a parameterized query, so that SQL is doing all the heavy number crunching. These links may help. http://datapigtechnologies.com/blog/index.php/passing-multiple-values-to-one-parameter/...
  13. jeffreyweir

    Using Sum Product Instead of VLOOKUP

    I'd add "Best used when you want to perform advanced sums with multiple conditions and you can't use a PivotTable or the more-efficient SUMIFS"
  14. jeffreyweir

    User defined function for index & match

    Using a UDF to do a simple INDEX/MATCH is potentially a very bad idea. These UDFS are much slower than the formula equivalent, and will recalculate any time you delete any cells in the file. So if you have thousands of them or more, you could be in for a very long wait.
  15. jeffreyweir

    Data Filter

    Here 'tis.
  16. jeffreyweir

    Data Filter

    Weird: I can't seem to see the file in the directory when I'm trying to upload it here. I know it's there, but the window that comes up when I click Upload a File doesn't show it in the folder. Same thing happenned yesterday. I'll try a restart, see if that fixes the issue
  17. jeffreyweir

    Data Filter

    @All - I picked up an oversight in the code relating to non-OLAP pivottables, that resulted in any slicers that referenced the field being filtered getting deleted. Have amended that in the attached code.Bound to be more things that I fix or improve over the next few weeks too. @Asheesh...
  18. jeffreyweir

    Data Filter

    Glad you like it. I have a new friend at Microsoft who's using this too. I told him to pass it on to the Excel Dev team there, with the hope that they say: Cool. Now why don't we do that?
  19. jeffreyweir

    Data Filter

    Sample file attached, that lets you invert a filter in a Table or PivotTable, plus filter them based on a whole bunch of crazy wildcard combinations. Very complex code, using English version of Excel 2013. Should run on Excel 2010 or later. Very beta. Save your work first. Love to hear of any...
  20. jeffreyweir

    Data Validation - Dependent values

    You might also like the approach I take in my posts on the Chandoo blog: http://chandoo.org/wp/2014/02/13/dynamic-cascading-dropdowns-that-reset/ http://chandoo.org/wp/2014/02/25/robust-dynamic-cascading-dropdowns-without-vba/
  21. jeffreyweir

    Using Sum Product Instead of VLOOKUP

    VLOOKUP and INDEX/MATCH will be far faster than SUMPRODUCT at looking up an item in a list. SUMPRODUCT is used for crunching lots of numbers together based on conditions. Yes, it conceivably be used in place of VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH. But it should not be.
  22. jeffreyweir

    Data Filter

    @bobhc Tables don't let you invert a filter at the click of a button. @dramnath1981 - I have some code that does this. I'm in the process of making some changes to it, but should have it finished in a couple of days. Email me on weir.jeff@gmail.com if you like and I'll forward it to you for...
  23. jeffreyweir

    Autofilter in macro stops working if i put third criteria

    I'm in the process of working up some cool code that will let you filter Tables and PivotTables on as many criteria as you like, including <> and wildcards. It's pretty neat. Flick me a line at weir.jeff@gmail.com if you want to try the beta version. (I'm probably about 48 hours away from...
  24. jeffreyweir

    Report filter in Pivot table

    True. But it's still pretty messy, compared to 2013. Here's an example, with "Hide items with no data" checked: ...and here it is with the 'Visually indicate items with no data' checked: One does pretty much what Kiki wants. The other gives an indication for sure, but it's nowhere near as...
  25. jeffreyweir

    Report filter in Pivot table

    Sorry, badly worded. While Excel 2010 has Slicers, I understand they don't have that option "Hide items with no data". So in Excel 2013, Slicers let you accomplish something similar to what Kiki wants. But in Excel 2010, they don't...because they still show all items. (Although they may...