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  1. Sajan

    How to find text duplicates within a free-text cell?

    You can overcome the limitation of the length by replacing 100 with len(A2)
  2. Sajan

    How to find text duplicates within a free-text cell?

    Hi Xiq, The limitation is not for number of words, but the length of the words.
  3. Sajan

    How to identify decimal numbers in a free-text cell with a formula?

    Explanation for the above formula: =IF(LOOKUP(1,MMULT(IFERROR(N(ROUND(MOD(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A2)," ",REPT(" ",100)), (ROW(OFFSET(A$1,,,LEN(TRIM(A2))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))+1))-1)*100+1, 100))&".1",{".",""},""),{",",""},""),1),1)={0,0.1}),0),{1;-1})),"Bad","Good")...
  4. Sajan

    How to identify decimal numbers in a free-text cell with a formula?

    Hi Rediska, Your second set of samples and rules seem to contradict your first set of samples. I suggest you upload a file with representative data, along with expected outcomes for each row. I interpreted your requirements as follows: Anything of the format XX999XX is "good" Anything of the...
  5. Sajan

    How to identify decimal numbers in a free-text cell with a formula?

    Hello Rediska, So, if you find a standalone number (example: 235), that would not be an error? It would be an error only if it has a comma or decimal point (before, in the middle, or after)? Please confirm.
  6. Sajan

    How to find text duplicates within a free-text cell?

    Hi, You are welcome. Though you did not ask for it, here is a brief explanation of the first formula: It is a technique I learned from Lori. =IF(LOOKUP(1,N(FIND(" "&MID(TRIM(A2), ROW(OFFSET(A$1,,,LEN(TRIM(A2)))), MMULT(FIND(" ",{""," "}&TRIM(A2)&"...
  7. Sajan

    How to find text duplicates within a free-text cell?

    Hi Rediska, An array is just a collection of items... The only difference between a single item and an array is that an operation is applied to all of the items in that collection. FIND is needed to traverse a string. (You could also use SEARCH.) INDEX and MATCH works with discrete...
  8. Sajan

    How to find text duplicates within a free-text cell?

    Hi Bob, Interesting comment about monitoring of posts.... Chandoo.org is indeed addictive! Hi Rediska, In the third formula, the first argument to FIND uses an old technique that I believe is credited to Rick Rothstein. It expands each space found in the original string into 100 spaces, and...
  9. Sajan

    How to find text duplicates within a free-text cell?

    Hi Rediska, Thanks for the feedback. Glad to help. Hi Luke, We all learn from each other. (I have certainly learned a lot from you.) Regards, -Sajan.
  10. Sajan

    Formula Challenge 011 - distinct/duplicate/unique array from text AND numbers

    Hi Lori, That is a clever use of MODE.MULT to filter out stuff! With this challenge alone, I have developed a better appreciation for LOOKUP and MODE! Following your idea, I am including the other two formulas using MODE.MULT for completeness: Unique...
  11. Sajan

    How to find text duplicates within a free-text cell?

    Hi, The following is another approach for a string in A2: =IF(ISNA(MODE(FIND(" "&TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A2)," ",REPT(" ",100)), (ROW(OFFSET(A$1,,,LEN(TRIM(A2))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))+1))-1)*100+1, 100))&" ", " "&TRIM(A2)&" "))), "No Dupes", "Dupes") Cheers, Sajan.
  12. Sajan

    Looking up and matching rows to columns

    When you say "type the column value", do you mean the column number, cell reference (like CT8) or something else?
  13. Sajan

    How to find text duplicates within a free-text cell?

    Hi, I noticed that the previous formula would result in some false positives under some conditions. As such, try the following regular formula for a value in cell A2: =IF(LOOKUP(1,N(FIND(" "&MID(TRIM(A2), ROW(OFFSET(A$1,,,LEN(TRIM(A2)))), MMULT(FIND(" ",{""," "}&TRIM(A2)&"...
  14. Sajan


    What I would like to know is how Chandoo conducted that experiment? Hopefully, he used copious amounts of shaving gel!!
  15. Sajan

    How to find text duplicates within a free-text cell?

    Hello, You could try the following array formula for a value in cell A2: =IF(SUM(N(IFERROR(FIND(" "&MID(A2,ROW(OFFSET(A$1,,,LEN(A2))), MMULT(FIND(" ", {""," "} &A2&" ",ROW(OFFSET(A$1,,,LEN(A2)))),{1;-1}))&" ", " "&A2&" "), LEN(A2)+1)<ROW(OFFSET(A$1,,,LEN(A2)))))>0, "Dupes", "All good") enter...
  16. Sajan

    IF, VLOOKUP? and SUM Help

    Hi, Can you add a couple of rows of manually calculated cells? I am not completely clear on what you are asking. -Sajan.
  17. Sajan

    IF, VLOOKUP? and SUM Help

    Hi Ozbear, Yes, please upload the worksheet. -Sajan.
  18. Sajan

    What particular blog posts do you come back to again and again?

    Hi Jeff, One of my favorite blog posts is the following by Colin Legg: http://colinlegg.wordpress.com/2012/03/25/binary-searches-with-vlookup/ -Sajan.
  19. Sajan

    What are the best ready-made multiple-use macros from the web

    Hi Jeff, In my opinion, for novices (and others), a strategy that seems to be working well, based on the posts in this forum, is to just ask for help, and experts readily jump in and solve the problems for them! (No need to bother with macros and stuff themselves!) One does not even have...
  20. Sajan

    sumproduct multiple criteria

    Hi Maggie, Can you describe what you are attempting with the following segment? (I shortened the range to 100 to debug) N(OFFSET(INDIRECT("'"&$R$1:$Y$1&"'!A2:A100"),ROW(INDIRECT("1:100"))-1,,)) Can you describe the problem you are looking to solve overall? -Sajan.
  21. Sajan

    Time Stamp

    Hello Suma, Welcome to the forum! When you say "auto-capture", do you mean a quick way to enter the time? If so, go to a cell and press Ctrl + Colon ":" key (i.e. you will need to press Ctrl + Shift + : since on most keyboards, the : is only available upon shifting. If you are looking for...
  22. Sajan

    find stand-alone number/integer in a text string

    Hi Rediska, Glad you found a solution! Thanks for the feedback. Glad to help! Come back any time! -Sajan.
  23. Sajan

    sumproduct multiple criteria

    Hi Maggie, Welcome to the forum! It might be better if we help with the problem you are looking to solve, instead of repairing the formula above. Towards that end, please describe what you are trying to do, and we might be able to offer suggestions or solutions. Also, it usually helps to...
  24. Sajan

    find stand-alone number/integer in a text string

    What I meant about global settings is that in the string "[]{}(),0123456789", the comma needs to be there if your input data will have commas. (For all other commas, please replace it with the delimiter that is valid for your version of Excel.)