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  1. Colin Legg

    Ignore cell errors

    I was reading another thread and it reminded me that AGGREGATE() is also an option to do this if you are using Excel 2010 or later: =AGGREGATE(9,6,A2:A10) The 9 stands for SUM. The 6 stands for ignore error values.
  2. Colin Legg

    Ignore cell errors

    You can also use SUMIF which avoids the need to use an array formula, eg =SUM(SUMIF(A2:A10,{"<0",">0"}))
  3. Colin Legg

    aggregate vs average

    Just in case the question is about the AGGREGATE() worksheet function; MSDN information can be found here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-gb/excel-help/aggregate-function-HA010338704.aspx It is only available in Excel 2010 or later.
  4. Colin Legg

    How to Calculate.

    Yes, for example you could write a VBA UDF to get a distinct count.
  5. Colin Legg

    How to Calculate.

    Ah okay - I was using your data from post 1. If it goes in E1 then you'll need to adjust the ranges to avoid circular references: =SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF(A1:D1<>"",MATCH(A1:D1,A1:D1,0)),COLUMN(A1:D1)-COLUMN(A1)+1)>0))
  6. Colin Legg

    How to Calculate.

    It works fine for me. Can you load a sample workbook with the formulas in for us to look at?
  7. Colin Legg

    How to Calculate.

    Using your sample from the 1st post, put this formula in F1 and fill down: =SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF(A1:E1<>"",MATCH(A1:E1,A1:E1,0)),COLUMN(A1:E1)-COLUMN(A1)+1)>0)) This is an array formula so when you type it into the formula bar you must complete the entry with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER...
  8. Colin Legg

    Find highest number in a month

    Yet another... =MAX(IF(TEXT(A1:A10,"myy")=TEXT(E1,"myy"),B1:B10)) This is an array formula so must be entered with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
  9. Colin Legg

    vlookup with vba

    Very little information to go with... here is a general example: Sub example() Dim varResult As Variant Dim varLookUp_Value As Variant Dim rngTable_Array As Range Dim lngCol_Index_Num As Long Dim blnRange_LookUp As Boolean varLookUp_Value =...
  10. Colin Legg

    SirJB7 returns (I'm back!)

    Welcome back and I'm glad to hear that you are well on the way to recovery.
  11. Colin Legg

    The Chandoo of SQL?

    For SQL Server you might want to check out http://www.sqlservercentral.com/ The site has blogs, articles, question forums etc. When you join you will get daily emails with SQL tips (which you can turn off if you don't want them).
  12. Colin Legg

    SUMIFS statement

    Hi Sajan, Just FYI, because you're using an array constant you can just use SUM (no need for CSE). =SUM(SUMIF(A2:A11,{"<300";">500"})) Hi Dave, The SUMPRODUCT() formula you posted will return the wrong result because it requires the cells in column A to be both less...
  13. Colin Legg

    need formula help please!

    Here's another way, although it'll handle empty cells in column B differently (it will ignore them): =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIFS(B2:B4614,"<="&$N$3,$A$2:$A$4614,J2:J26))
  14. Colin Legg

    Tier based pricing

    Welcome to the forum. One formula you could use in G48 would be: =LOOKUP(F48,{0,5,10},{35,30,25}) If the pricing structure gets more complicated or larger then it'd be a good idea to use a lookup table rather than using array constants in the formula. That'll make your worksheet easier to...
  15. Colin Legg

    Looks like I got the first 100%

    The accepted answers on Q5 are still wrong. I don't want to post the reasons on here in case it ruins the quiz for people who haven't taken it yet - I'd be happy to explain my reasoning by email if an Admin/Mod pings me at colinleggblog at gmail dot com.
  16. Colin Legg

    Run-time error 9: Subscript out of range

    I think this is because your colleague has the Windows hide file extensions setting turned off. Have a read of this article: http://www.cpearson.com/excel/FileExtensions.aspx where Chip pearson says:
  17. Colin Legg

    sum or sum if?

    If you're using (or require compatability with) pre Excel 2007 (so SUMIFS() is unavailable) then you can also do it with SUMIF(): =SUMIF(A1:A20,">-5")-SUMIF(A1:A20,">=5")
  18. Colin Legg

    Mulitple negative conditions SUMIFS

    Hi, Take the sum of all of the values (eg SUM(A:A)) and then subtract the SUMIF(s) values of apples, oranges etc... which you've already calculated.
  19. Colin Legg

    Finding if a number in one cell is within 10% of number in another cell.

    Hi Asseem, See if this gives you the results you want: =MEDIAN(A2*{1.1,0.9},B2)=B2 Where 100 is in A2 and 118 is in B2.
  20. Colin Legg

    Learning SQL. Any Great Resources?

    Hi, When you say you're learning SQL, do you mean T-SQL? Or SQL databases? Or both? Something I've been learning for the last couple of years is MS SQL Server database development (NB. developer, not DBA) and I can thoroughly recommend Rob Vieira's "Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 20[yy]...
  21. Colin Legg

    data entry to closed excel file

    Provided the closed workbook is not password protected, you could write to it using ADO. This however, is not a simple task - particularly because using ADO with Excel files has many 'features' and bugs - and you will only be able to insert or update datarows (not delete them) so, if you need a...
  22. Colin Legg

    Show Userform the same time process other codes

    Hi, Do you mean that the userform doesn't render properly? If that's the case use UserForm1.Repaint, otherwise you'll need to describe in more detail the problem.
  23. Colin Legg

    Show Userform the same time process other codes

    Hi, You can show the userform modelessly which will allow other code to run while the userform is showing. You can either do this explicitly in your code when you show the userform, eg: UserForm1.Show vbModeless Or you can do it at design time by setting the userform's ShowModal property to...