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  1. A

    Sumif with dinamic criteria

    Feeling really stupid. Row 54 on Department's sheets from column M had an " ' " in it. Deleted it on all and it is working perfectly. Strange that it gave error from row 7 right through and not only in row 54.
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    Sumif with dinamic criteria

    I do however get a #value error, when I select August, September, October, November or December, BUT only in the department's financial side, the Consolidated side has no errors. (Consolidated was a created from copying a Department sheet and amending the formulas). Has any one come across such...
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    Sumif with dinamic criteria

    Don't worry, I got it working. To calculate the YTD my formula is: =SUMPRODUCT((INDIRECT("'"&E$1&"'!"&"$c$2:$c$100")=$C7)*INDIRECT("'"&E$1&"'!"&"$f$2:"&$G$2)) and to get the Total for the year, =VLOOKUP($C7,INDIRECT("'"&$E$1&"'!"&"$c$2:x100"),16,0).
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    Sumif with dinamic criteria

    Hallo, I have a budget, with sheets for every department and a consolidated sheet. On a summary sheet, I want to be able to select a department and a month and the relevant financial information will be visible. My line items (financial accounts) are in column C, I have a drop down list with...
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    Dependent Drop down list in seperate worksheets

    Hi, Like, I was maybe too tired last night, but just could not get your suggetion to work. :) SirJB7, on the 'Drawsheet1 Kata' sheet, I want a drop down of all the option for examble, Yellow belt boys to appear in a drop down list. These "option" are on Sheet1. The aim at the end of the...
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    Vlookup with Drop Down options

    Hi, from what I understand, you want dependant lists. There are a couple of postings on Chandoo with regards to it, but I also found useful info/help on http://www.contextures.com/xlDataVal02.html
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    Dependent Drop down list in seperate worksheets

    Hi, your statements are correct, but I am having difficulty with the formula. I have uploaded the file, it might make it easier to see. (the spreadsheet is far from finish, thus no 'finishing touches' added yet :)) https://www.box.com/s/f2f4bee584edeb56d1cf (hope it works, first time...
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    Dependent Drop down list in seperate worksheets

    Hi, I am compiling dependent drop down list, where I want the information to be on a seperate sheet than the final drop down list. My information is as follows, on Worksheet called "Information": Gender (Male/Female/Team); [formula to select: Data Validation/=Gender] column A, Belt Colour...
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    Unique random numbers

    Thank you, it works like a charm. My formula, as indicated initially, is entered in B3 and copied down several rows. I have added the IFERROR part as well now, and now it also looks "wonderful"
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    Unique random numbers

    I require unique random numbers to be generated per the number of contestants on drawsheets. The array formula I have is eg. for 20 competitors =LARGE(ROW($1:$20)*NOT(COUNTIF($B$2:B2,ROW($1:$20))),RANDBETWEEN(1,21-ROW(A1))). For 10 competitors, I have to manually change the ROW formula to ROW...
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    SumProduct with multi conditions

    Eureka!!! I replaced the line, then still Zero, then I replaced the "yes/no" in the lookup formula to "Yes/No" and it works. Thanks a mill, this is super!
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    SumProduct with multi conditions

    Thanks, done all of above, but results are Zero? could it be because column H is lookup formula returning "yes" or "no" as well as the information in Data sheet, column C-Q ?(I have never had this before, but have read that with some formulas, it looks as formula in a cell rather than the return...
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    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hallo, I am Adell, a financial manager from South Africa. I have been using Excel since it was a baby :) - started off with Lotus 1-2-3 way-back-when..This site is great as previously I had to figure out the "how to do this" on my own by trial and error.
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    SumProduct with multi conditions

    Hi, I got the error sorted out on the formula, in my range I included 13 columns (including Average hourly billing), all rectified and the formula works perfectly, Thanks. It however does not solve my query, any assistance will be greatful.
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    SumProduct with multi conditions

    also, there are some months where a consultant may not be working on a project, thus zero hours spend - maybe this is the cause of the "value" being returned
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    SumProduct with multi conditions

    Thanks, I get a "value" return on the formula? the MATCH section's answer is correct (row number), the INDEX section's answer is correct (hourly rate for the consultant). In the main sheet, Column L is hours for January, column M is hours for Feb etc. I need to calculate the costs of...
  17. A

    SumProduct with multi conditions

    I have a budget, with consultants’ names, wether or not they are inhouse (yes/no), then 12 columns for time spend in every month. In a Data sheet (with among other information) their hourly rate, which varies per month. I need to calculate in sheet 1, as a total “below” the sum of hours per...