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Search results

  1. R

    Removing duplicates and consolidating phone number list

    Hello CA Mahaveer Somani. For now I have used the method suggested by Narayan. It works. I will bug you if I am stumped again with an excel issue. Thank you for your response
  2. R

    Removing duplicates and consolidating phone number list

    Thank you Narayan: This helper column helped! Good work. Ran
  3. R

    Removing duplicates and consolidating phone number list

    In my worksheet I have a list of donors who donate to a charity that I volunteer for. Column labels are as follows: F Name M Name L/Name Address City P.code Phone # Data description: Each phone number may be listed more than once depending on how many times a family made donations Each...
  4. R

    Controlled printing of spreadsheets

    Dan L Thank you for the tip. I tried it. It works and is simple. Ran
  5. R

    Controlled printing of spreadsheets

    Thank you for the responses. This form is a receipt for memberships paid for a charity. Someone tampering with the macros is not an issue. This controlled printing is to avoid someone printing and mailing a receipt more than once, for one payment. I look at this as a feature to avoid human...
  6. R

    Controlled printing of spreadsheets

    I have designed a form in excel. Is it possible to control the number of times it is printed? Generally I want it printed only once and keep track when it was printed. If due to any reason it has to be printed again, I want a water mark printed on the face reading "DUPLICATE". Just wondering if...