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Search results

  1. S

    Hide Sheet

    How can I hide a MAIN sheet from viewing or editing others in a shared file ? Normal Alt+O+H+H will hide but the same can be visible when you give alt+O+H+U. Is there any option to give password to enable alt+O+H+U ?.
  2. S

    Lookup with dropdown list

    Though the problems are not related to me, I sometimes read the solutions you have given to the needy..... SirJB7 & Faseeh - the good samaritans - keep rocking.......
  3. S

    Blink or auto Highlight

    Is there any option for Blink or Highlight the result in a particular cell ?
  4. S


    OK Faseeh, Let me try......
  5. S

    suppres zero value

    When I extract the result with DSUM 4mula, the cell turns 0 where there is not match. How can I suppress those ZEROs ?....
  6. S


    Yes kchiba. I am using diff. criteria
  7. S


    =DSUM('All Site All Details'!$E$2:$AO$3504,"Esc_amnt",ESCMicr!A7:B8). How to repeat the copy command with the multiplication of 2 rows in A7:B8 ? (A9:B10, A11:B12 like that)
  8. S

    Date Function

    One more Q my friends. When I extract the result with DSUM 4mula, the cell turns 0 where there is not match. How can I suppress those ZEROs ?....
  9. S

    Date Function

    Thanks to you too, Hui... Brilliant.....
  10. S

    Date Function

    Woh ! IT is working... thanks SirJB7
  11. S

    Date Function

    Hi, I have a sheet which contains the date on which the admission is taken by the students.Eg.some one has taken it on 02/03/2011, some other on 10/03/2011. I have this genuine date in column A. But I need the start date of that particular month in column C as 01/03/2011 for both the cases.