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Search results

  1. M

    Formatting in macro is not getting copied in new excel

    Hui, I am just using normal copy and paste from macro to New sheet. In that case Formula and conditional formatting is not getting copied
  2. M

    Formatting in macro is not getting copied in new excel

    I have created a data sheet with the help of macro which contains lot of formulas.at the end I have used a condidtional formatting. Now I am copying the data to new excel, conditional formatting is removed. Kindly advice
  3. M

    how to use countifs where I should include 2 col and ignore few value of 3rd col

    Hi, suppose Coulmn A contains "tester name" , Column B contains "status" and Column C contains ETC date Now I want count of total issues in a particular tester and particluar status but not to include a particular ETC
  4. M

    Unable to extract number from text (in 2007 excel)

    Thanks .. Got it Can u please let me know the significance of CTRL SHIFT ENTER.
  5. M

    Unable to extract number from text (in 2007 excel)

    Hi, I was trying to find the position of starting number in a text. i Was getting wrong value Text Num Start Length Number Digits 11000 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Formula to get the starting position for numbers =MIN(IFERROR(FIND(lstNumbers,A2),"")) where lstNumbers is digit range...
  6. M

    Is it possible to use more than two condition in conidtional formatting

    Hi, I tried with =and(=$H2="test",$I2="fail",$T2="Study") but didn't get any output
  7. M

    Is it possible to use more than two condition in conidtional formatting

    Is it possible to use more than two condition in conidtional formatting for eg =and(=$H2="test",$I2="fail",$T2="Study") this is not working . Please suggest me the format
  8. M

    How to retrieve data incase we have 30 worksheet,

  9. M

    How to put a drop down using data validation tab, if the excel is shared

    Actually the sheet is already shared, now of I am trying to go for data validation tab, it is masked
  10. M

    How to retrieve data incase we have 30 worksheet,

    Hi, Everyday we take defect summary(issues which are opne) and this keeps on changing everday. FOr eg one issues which is open today may be closed tomorrow. So we keep track on each day record
  11. M

    How to put a drop down using data validation tab, if the excel is shared

    How to put a drop down using data validation tab, if the excel is shared
  12. M

    How to retrieve data incase we have 30 worksheet,

    Hi, We take a daily reports of bugs raised, resolved, closed and other important details. Now I want one worksheet where if i select a date , user , then in that case excel will check the data and display. Suppose our worsheeet anme is jan 01,jan02 and so on.. .And each worsheet ahs user...