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Search results

  1. M

    Hiding lines using Excel Tick boxes

    Hi Hui, I inserted a tick box in one of teh cell and then tried Hiding lines using Excel Tick boxes by the method suggested by Justin. After inserting a tick box I did right click to use format control, but this option didn't come at all
  2. M

    Hiding lines using Excel Tick boxes

    I am using excel 2007 but didn't get format control option at the end
  3. M

    Request to Chandoo (Key Master)

    Eagerly waiting for Chandoo to start MS - ACCESS
  4. M

    Minutes and Tenths of Minutes

  5. M

    Excel Formulas

    Hi, Pls put IF((F43+F44+F45)>8,8,F43+F44+F45) in d where f43,f44 and f45 contains value of A,B,C And in E put the formula IF(F46=8,F43+F44+F45-8,"")
  6. M

    To display only unique values from two columns

    I don't require formatting where as I require all the unique values to get displayed in 3rd coloumn
  7. M

    To display only unique values from two columns

    HI, I have two columns with multiple values. Some values can be repeated in the same row or the different row. We need to find the values which are present in either column only once.. If it is repeated more than once at any place it should be ignored
  8. M

    What is the concept of XNPV in excel 2007

    What is the concept of XNPV in excel 2007
  9. M

    Visual Formatting not giving proper result

    I got my mistake.. Able to resolve
  10. M

    Visual Formatting not giving proper result

    Hi, I have made an active cell at G2. And from A24:V75 I have selected the conditional formatting =AND($G$2<>"",COUNTIF(A24,"*"&$G$2&"*")>0) When any text is inputted in active cell, wrong values are getting highlighed...
  11. M

    On Selecting a range of cell and press ALT +F1, it will display charts

    Hi All, I am very new to excel . I was just trying some hands on excel and accidently pressed ALT +F1 and have found that it will open chart ...
  12. M

    suggestion needed from all the ninza's and chandoo

    Thanks A lot Chandoo to shorten my name.. Infact I have written my mail id by mistake. Apologises to everyone
  13. M

    suggestion needed from all the ninza's and chandoo

    Hi All, I just had a view, don't know how useful it will be for everyone. Can we have an option of closing an issue. Let me explain my idea .. Suppose I have asked a question but once I get a solution which finally helps me . I can close those issue. It will be allowed to be seen with the...
  14. M

    Unable to understand the concept while extracting number from text

    Hi All, Few days back chandoo has shared a formula to seprate number from text. In the same excel we also tried to find the number of digits with the goven formula =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(lstDigits,MID(B4,ROW($A$1:$A$200),1))) I am unable to understand the concept of MID(B4,ROW($A$1:$A$200),1)...
  15. M

    How to find all the characters after the last dot in a text

    =IF(RIGHT(A1,1)=".","",RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,".","")))) is not working
  16. M

    How to find all the characters after the last dot in a text

    Hi, This is not working it fails in this exampls manish.agrawal.xlsx in this the above formula display only sx whereas it should display xlsx
  17. M

    How to find all the characters after the last dot in a text

    How to find all the characters after the last dot in a text in the scenerio manish.agrawal.der.yup.mips it should display only mips
  18. M

    new to Chandoo

    Welcome Angie... Happy learning
  19. M

    How do I count number of dots in a text

    How do I count number of dots in a text For eg manish.agrawal.xls How do I count number of dots in it
  20. M

    Formatting in macro is not getting copied in new excel

    Hi, I will take care but I have not used any of these words "Urgent", "Priority" "Immediate. But still sorry for the inconvience caused and will take care for future posting