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Search results

  1. D

    Vlookup Return the next occurrence

    Thanks for all your replies. I have solved this now with your support. Thanks again
  2. D

    Vlookup Return the next occurrence

    Hi I'm attempting to return the next occurrence of a value in a list. I have a list in column A with 6 %'s in. In column B there is a staff number that corresponds to the person who achieved the %. A B 100% 1 100% 2 92.31% 3 100% 4 84.62% 5 100% 6 I'm then trying to put...
  3. D

    Staff Rota

    Thanks for the reply. I think the basic slide system would be ok. It doesn't matter about staff members working the same shifts. I guess doing it manually as I do now isn't that different from the slide system. Thanks
  4. D

    Staff Rota

    Hi I'm trying to put together a staff rota. Currently I complete a manual excel spreadsheet and insert the shifts. However, I would like to make this as automated as possible. There are 64 staff members, some of who work part time and so their hours and days off are already defined, however...