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Search results

  1. ExcelMan7

    (Data validation-List-Search) Find all Results with part of Name

    hi everyone, still for your kind help. thanks
  2. ExcelMan7

    (Data validation-List-Search) Find all Results with part of Name

    thanks but is not enough.... because each row has a different information, that's way we need many Validation with comboboxes.
  3. ExcelMan7

    (Data validation-List-Search) Find all Results with part of Name

    Hi to all .... any one can help....
  4. ExcelMan7

    (Data validation-List-Search) Find all Results with part of Name

    Hi can you move this subject to VBA section ??
  5. ExcelMan7

    (Data validation-List-Search) Find all Results with part of Name

    thanks Prasenjit this is really what i want If someone help to combine the features of the two workbooks, the problem will be solve.Please Help ..... thanks alot
  6. ExcelMan7

    (Data validation-List-Search) Find all Results with part of Name

    thanks Prasenjit this is really what i want If someone help to combine the features of the two workbooks, the problem will be solve.
  7. ExcelMan7

    (Data validation-List-Search) Find all Results with part of Name

    Hi Narayan, Yes i saw your uploaded file but inseted of write In H3 , i want write into the same cell which is E3 , if you go back to 2nd uploaded file which is " DataValCombobox mY.xls" you will see that Comobox & data validation have been combined together ... try to (Double)click any cell...
  8. ExcelMan7

    (Data validation-List-Search) Find all Results with part of Name

    thank you for your efforts with me but if you look to attached ... i tried to clear what i want ...thank you for your time
  9. ExcelMan7

    (Data validation-List-Search) Find all Results with part of Name

    hhhhh.. sorry for that relay i don't know that upper case is for make hard but i have some problem with my computer ... sometime is hanging due to my damaged button ... but regarding the code i have no idea about it and relay you or any will help me a lot if this issue solved.....sorry again
  10. ExcelMan7

    (Data validation-List-Search) Find all Results with part of Name

    thanks ... but i don't have a good English in writing ... might you don't understand me ... anyhow ... sorry for bothering you.... i don't know how i shouted
  11. ExcelMan7

    (Data validation-List-Search) Find all Results with part of Name

  12. ExcelMan7

    (Data validation-List-Search) Find all Results with part of Name

    hi everybody, really amazing site and good place of sharing information.... really thanks for all. i have question , as you see in attached excel .. i have a lot of name and i don't know if there is any way let me search in the drop down-list for any part of name instead of put them in...
  13. ExcelMan7

    Dropdown or wirting with vlookup in same cell

    thanks .... i know how i can do Validation ....see below . attached again ... thanks for help in F23 i put vlookup "=IF($M$9="","",VLOOKUP($M$9,Req,5,FALSE))" to give me the Job title of Requisition (M9) from Sheet(Reqs For offer)which is E2 but some time i need to change the position (job...
  14. ExcelMan7

    Dropdown or wirting with vlookup in same cell

    Hi Ravi , thanks for trying to help me....also thanks for every one who will try to give me from his exp... i updated the Sheet and i tired to explain what output i want in Green background . thanks
  15. ExcelMan7

    Dropdown or wirting with vlookup in same cell

    thanks a lot but might i forget to put the formula originally the Merged cell contain vlookup "=IF($M$9="","",VLOOKUP($M$9,Req,5,FALSE))" to give the Job title (position) but some time i need to change the position (job title) from the form either by drop down or write the new position and not...
  16. ExcelMan7

    Dropdown or wirting with vlookup in same cell

    good day gents, kindly please help in attached excel sheet (formula).... i explained inside. thanks
  17. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    ooh ... you are really amazing ....i can't thank you enough Mr.HUi...10000000 thanks for you....its work fine now... admin
  18. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    Hi, anybody help.... thanks
  19. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    any help guys for above last 2 Question. Appreciated your help. thanks Admin
  20. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    Dear Deb , as you know my worksheet,i have two more Q. in ETA which is B8 in CRPO Sheet ... i want take the Max of Initial ETA & Revised ETA that located on column 18-19 on owssvr (1) Sheet.. but unfortunately it doesn't work if there is empty cell for one of them .. 2nd in...
  21. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    woooooooooooow ....Yes its work...really you are Awesome person...ican't thank you enough... Thansk Dear Deb ....
  22. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    yes if im not fixed the width of column 1 in sheet "owssvr (1)" ii gives me #N/A i thinks becuse our date (Sharepoint) but if there is any way to avoid this error from excel sheet not from DATA base. instoed of doing fixed the width every and then after refreshing the data ...
  23. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    THANKS DEB, but unfortunately it doesn't work,,, i changed as you said like this =IF($G$4="","",VLOOKUP($G$4,Table_owssvr__1,3,FALSE)) but still i need to to fixed width for the 1st column...really appreciated your help
  24. ExcelMan7

    use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals

    REALLY THANKS ALL.... hI dEBRAJ ROY .. thanks alot my frind .....its work fine ... really thx.. but i have another prb.. you know this is linked to data base (Sharepoint) then when i export it to excel to let me work with this form ... once i type requstion NO. in G4 in CRPO sheet after...