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Search results

  1. P

    Conditional Formatting.

    My archive rule IS below the Zebra rule. Only the lines unaffected with the Zebra rule and contain Archive get the strikethrough rule applied.
  2. P

    Conditional Formatting.

    I know that this is probably pretty simple but for some reason I cannot get it. I have selected columns A-I, and put in the following conditional formatting formulas: =MOD(ROW(),2)=1 */This is to get zebra lines all the way down/* =$I1="Archived" */This is to strikethrough the entire row...
  3. P

    Sumproduct formula failure [SOLVED]

    Man, do I feel dumb...... Thanks, works like a charm.
  4. P

    Sumproduct formula failure [SOLVED]

    I have used this formula in the past to check whether a condition was true in two columns. (Excel 2003) and it seemed to work fine. I am trying to count the number of times I have the term 'R1' in column A, and the term 'Onshore' in column I. =SUMPRODUCT(--(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("R1",'Process...
  5. P

    Sorting by sequence , not value

    Nevermind. Finally figured it out.... Had to format the column as text. Then do a Data/Sort... command.
  6. P

    Sorting by sequence , not value

    Why is this so hard. I have a column of numbers and mixed numbers with letters. I cannot, no matter how hard I try, sort this properly. I have tried the text function with no success. I tried =text(a1,"@") and =text(a1,"#". I then copy the results and paste special values to sort, and they...
  7. P

    Please help!!!

    I think the assumption is: If the employee is scheduled to work that day, it is assumed he IS there. Not that he logs in somewhere and this status is somehow transferred to Excel. Given this assumption, if he is in fact absent when scheduled to work, Excel will still report that he is present.
  8. P

    Hiding rows based on formatting

    I would like a macro that would hide a row if a specific cell on that row contained text that was formatted with a Strikethrough. So, if cell A25 had text that was formatted with strikethrough, row 25 would get hidden. The range for strikethroughs is A2:A1000. Thanks,
  9. P

    Binary Breakdown

    SirJB7. That is a sweet solution. Thanks so much. Genius!
  10. P

    Binary Breakdown

    Is there a way to send private messages to users on here? I'd send you my email address. Thanks SirJB7 for your assistance. It amazes me how fast you guys come up with solutions.
  11. P

    Binary Breakdown

    @SirJB7: Unfortunatly my work has Dropbox, googledocs and other such sites blocked, so I cannot see your solution. Why they block them, I don't know, but it drives me nuts. Additionally, here at the office we are using Excel 2003. If I remember correctly, 2003 does not contain sumproduct...
  12. P

    Binary Breakdown

    Okay. I have a sheet with a list of items that need to be categorized. An item can fall into more than one category. Other people will be categorizing them. I want to simplify the process for them. So I thought that it would be good to number the categories, then they can add up the numbers...
  13. P

    Cheapest Louis Vuitton Belt

    Hmmm. Doing random Search Engine Optimization? Not very Excel related.
  14. P

    If I take Chandoo's VBA Course...

    I've found that the best way to learn how to write VBA is to have a problem to solve. What will you write without a problem? Nothing. VBA is there to help you solve a problem or automate a repetitive task. If you don't have a problem to solve or a task to automate, you will have a tough...
  15. P

    A matching problem

    I've seen many of his postings around the site, and I am sure that he is ninja enough. I like to have a bit of fun and make it look like it is a challenge. I'm pretty confident it would take him about 1/2 a second to have an answer for me. Perhaps Luke is not so much a ninja as he is a Jedi.
  16. P

    maximum worksheet in one excel file

    And if you were to fill one cell per second, every second, it would take, by a rough calculation, 544 years.
  17. P

    Paste stopped functioning normally in Excel 2007, pastes text only not formulas

    Have you checked copy/paste in other applications? This might not be limited to Excel. Instead of uninstalling and reinstalling - which might not work, try a system restore. Restore your computer back to a time before all of this started happening. I think a registry key is messed and now...
  18. P

    A matching problem

    Okay Luke. Let's see how Ninja you are. Using the formulas above I get a true/false result if the text is found in the list. If it is true, how do I get the value from the list that is two columns over? My formula is =SUMPRODUCT(1*(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(C2,'Catalog Mar 14'!A$2:A$10000))))>0...
  19. P

    A matching problem

    Those work so much better. Thank you so much for your help.
  20. P

    A matching problem

    You must have read my post before I edited it. My issue was a column width issue. I am getting extra spaces using this latest formula. Acceptable Forms and Methods of Payment (R1_770) Policy.pdf becomes R1_770_Acceptable_Forms_and_Methods_of_Payment___Policy.pdf I see how it is...
  21. P

    A matching problem

    Unfortunately, this formula is not quite working as well as the previous one. Here is an idea. Can we strip the document number, document type and file extention to leave just the base filename. Then I can search for that string within strings on the other sheet.
  22. P

    A matching problem

    That is an amazing formula. It works kind of... However, the spaces in between words need to be underscores....Is that do-able? I would love to see a formula forensic on this one...
  23. P

    A matching problem

    I have a doozy. At least for me. I am using Excel 2003. I have a two lists of documents. I want to find out if a document exists on both lists. Not a problem. The problem is that there are two file naming conventions in use. The old standard: Document Number_Document...
  24. P

    Help with advanced VBA task please

    I am new to VBA too. I don't think I can help too much with the actual coding, but the logic I can do. Now, if can I explain it.... I wonder if an Array would work where the elements are String, Int, Int. The string is the unique name in column A, only stored once. The first Int is the...
  25. P

    VBA for adding specific height to each row in table

    @SirJB7 That's pretty awesome. Thanks. And I am a he not a she. I'll post my little bit of VBA awesomeness here soon. People might find it useful. Oh, and thanks for making me look up a Single. I didn't know that that datatype existed.