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Search results

  1. S

    Excel Formula help Needed

    Its not working ... the problem exists
  2. S

    Excel Formula help Needed

    Dear Members, I have prepared the model and its working perfectly fine as per the technicalities . The only issue which i am facing right now is whicle testing the formulas and model, if i remove one cell or delete which is linked to the other formulas just to check what happens then it shows...
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    Problem of # NUm!

    Thanks hui, i did check this and tried to solve it but not able to resolve the issue. Any idea why? Your help is always appreciated
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    Problem of # NUm!

    Thanks Hui, Basically its a financial model where i provide inputs like tariff rate and whole model drives on the basis of it. Cost which is given is also constant. However when i run the sensitivity analysis on range of tariff rate, it shows results till a particular tariff rate and then shows...
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    Problem of # NUm!

    This is basically when i am running sensitivity analysis on different tariff rates to check IRR on them and when IRR at a particular valye goes below 0%, it shows #NUM!.
  6. S

    Problem of # NUm!

    Dear Members, While running the sensitivity analysis, there are few output numbers which are negative in excel are shown as # Num!. how can i have the negative number display as it is instead of showing #Num! Its urgent, can any one help/ Regards Saad
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    Data Validation

    i mean to say that if some one else is working on the model and by mistake he enters anything other than number than it shows the error but when u cancel it, then u see #value in output cells. how we should rectify this error
  8. S

    Data Validation

    I have applied data validation on the input cells to accept only the numbers by applying =isnumber(Cell number) which is working quite fine. but the problem which i am facing currently is when i try to put any thing other than number then it gives error that it can not accept it but when i...
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    Disabling the filter function

    Dear Members, I have created the file which had different name of process owners along with their targets. i dont want to create seperate files for all of them but at the same time i dont want them to see each others targets. When i send the file to the particular owner then he shouuld not be...
  10. S

    data validation

    thanks a lot.
  11. S

    Sensitivity Analysis

    My boss has told me to run the sensitivity analysis to see the range of traiff rate at which we maintain the current margins. How is it possible to show the changing tariff rate without changing the current margins. Its a 30 year project and being conservative we have one tariff rate and we have...
  12. S

    Excel 2010 hyperlink unexpected error

    It is only showing "unexpected error has ocurred ". Thats what is written on dialogue box. I cant post anything s all sites are blocked in office. But that is the only thing written in box
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    data validation

    how to add data validation on cells so that only numbers can be inputted without specifying any condition. Please help
  14. S

    Excel 2010 hyperlink unexpected error

    While creating the hyperlink in excel, i am getting the unexpected error. What is the cause of it. Whenever i click on the hyperlink, it says unexpected error . Please guide Regards Saad
  15. S

    text and number together in a cell

    how can i have a number along with the text in the cells which can be calculated. suppose how can i write INR 500 and INR 300 in two different cells and still apply calculations on them. For that matter any text along with number Regards Saad
  16. S

    Disabling the cover page

    Dear members, I have made the cover page of my model and now i want to diable it. I mean if someone clicks on it then he cant click it or change it. He should not get the feeling that there are cells in it. He is niether able to change it or click on it. Just can see it regards Saad
  17. S

    Impressive Cover Page

    I have prepared the coverpage for my model which says the name of the company, logo of the company and name of the project. My boss says it looks like excel, try to make it more impressive so it looks professional. What shall i do, how to make it look and not like excel :) Regards Saad
  18. S

    Print Button On excel

    Thanks hui, It has worked. regards Saad
  19. S

    Print Button On excel

    I would like to add a print button on excel sheet, so i can click it and sheet gets printed. What code should io assign to button if name of button is PRINT. Please suggest Regards Saad
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    I just want to show the chart and not the data from the summary sheet but want to keep the data on the same page. when i am hiding the data then chart does not show up anything. Any way to hide the data on the same page and show the graph. regards saad
  21. S

    Hyperlink button

    Thanks guys for the advice .. i will use it while creating the hyperlinks
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    Hyperlink button

    Dear Members, I would like to have button on each of my worksheet which takes me to the index page of the model. what kind of coding do i need to do for this. Regards Saad
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    Excel Design Formatting

    Dear Members, I have almost completed my Model and would like to design it so it doesnt look like excel. I wanna make it look like forms. Is there any way to do it or any other way through which it looks very professional. Regards Saad
  24. S

    Circular Reference

    When i am opening my excel sheet, i am getting the update about circulare reference , can any tell me how to trace it Regards Saad
  25. S

    Senisitvity Analysis

    Great Hui, you were on spot. that was the reason, its working now. Thanks Saad