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Search results

  1. J

    Is it possible to auto-format a cell's color based on when it was last edited?

    Thanks, Hui, for the quick reply. I guess we'll go with Track Changes.
  2. J

    Is it possible to auto-format a cell's color based on when it was last edited?

    I'm working with a team that regularly modifies a single Excel worksheet. We would like to be able to easily determine what cells have recently been edited. Essentially, if a cell was edited/changed in the last week, it should be green. Once the edit is a week old, the edited cell goes back to...
  3. J

    Help with advanced VBA task please

    Thanks for contributing, Prasad. Your solution sounds elegant. I'll look into it.
  4. J

    Help with advanced VBA task please

    HUZZAH! It works brilliantly. Thanks so much for all your help. I'm going to study your code so that I can do future variations on my own.
  5. J

    Help with advanced VBA task please

    Hi Luke, A quick follow up, I think that ranges of only one row are causing the problem. I created a shorter sample data set with some singletons: dog,Closed dog,Closed cat,Closed horse,sdfd mouse,Closed mouse,sdfdfd rat,Closed With this result: dog, 100% This isn't your fault as...
  6. J

    Help with advanced VBA task please

    Thanks to both of you for the quick replies. Luke, your script works like magic on the sample data, but seems to get tripped up on the actual data I'm using (see excerpt below). Note if you run it on the data below it completely deletes many of the ranges. I'm embarrassed to ask for more help...
  7. J

    Help with advanced VBA task please

    I'm comfortable with formulas, but very new to VBA and suddenly I have a task so advanced I don't even know where to start. I need a script that will go through all the rows in Column A (starting on row 2), create a range for matching cells (they'll be contiguous) and check if the cells of...
  8. J

    Need help creating formula array to look for text in cells

    That did the trick! Thanks, Luke, for the fast help! Now I understand why my formulas weren't working; I was trying to do too much within each function instead of just breaking them up. I also hadn't considered excepting "video" using the ISERROR command. I'll be using that a lot. Thanks again!
  9. J

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi all, Been using Excel for twenty years and used to write all kinds of fun macros back in the day. I've since forgotten just about everything. My current project is very Excel heavy, so I'm re-learning lots and enjoying automating what I can using functions and so on. Anyway, this looks...
  10. J

    Need help creating formula array to look for text in cells

    I have two columns. The first has a string of text, (e.g., "010812_Sports&Outdoors_Exercise&Fitness_L2_Story1G1"). The second will either have "CMS" or "OC" in it. Thus far, I've been able to create a few formula arrays to show me the sum of all rows where there is both (for example) "sports" in...