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Search results

  1. D

    Conditional formatting calculated field pivot table 2007

    Hi Faseeh Really weird. In your file looks like the methodology work also for calculated field, while in my file it looks like not. At home i have 2010 version, so i have to check in the office if could be a problem of ex version. What version did you employed to apply this methodology? 2007...
  2. D

    Conditional formatting calculated field pivot table 2007

    hi faseeh thnx for the reply, but that method looks like works for raw field, but not for a calculated one . are you able to employ that methodology with a calc field in excel pp table?
  3. D

    Conditional formatting calculated field pivot table 2007

    Hi ar all guys Someone is able to explain to me if at all is possible to apply conditional formatting to a calculated field withina pivot table, in the manner that when the table updates slso the consit form applied to the calcul field data do the same?? Till now only pure data field accept...
  4. D

    Power Pivot- Error in the Combination of Distinct function with All functi

    Mmmm.. Gotta the same error with this syntax =sum(DISTINCT(Table2[sedi])) The SUM function only accepts a column reference as an argument. It is really strange..distinct should return a column so why the SUM function does not accept it as parameter??
  5. D

    Power Pivot- Error in the Combination of Distinct function with All functi

    http://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/733970/dax-documentation-distinct-remark-is-incorrect I have found also this post from Microsoft, but still they do not give a solution to the issue..
  6. D

    Power Pivot- Error in the Combination of Distinct function with All functi

    @SirJB7 i have already read the Microsoft post, but unfortunately while they indicate that the DAX combination DISTINCT(ALL( Table[Column])) should work fine for the above mentioned scope, in my case get the error i reported :( @Naraya Table2=base table Table2[sedi]=base column So they...
  7. D

    Power Pivot- Error in the Combination of Distinct function with All functi

    Hi guys. First of all thanks for your attention. Easy question I'm using this syntax in excel power pivot table =DISTINCT(ALL(Table2[sedi]) to get as result all the unique values that the field "sedi" displays, despite filters applied in the corresponding pivot table But i got as result...
  8. D

    Problem with sorting blank cells got as results from formulas

    Hi Gumbles Unfortunately i have also negative values in the list, so putting(or considering, as you prefer) the "blank" cells like zeroes doesn't solve my problem, cause in this way i have a huge number of "blank" cells in the middle and then come the cells with negative values. i need a...
  9. D

    Problem with sorting blank cells got as results from formulas

    Already done, but excel consider the "" cells before numbers when i sort from largest to smallest..
  10. D

    Problem with sorting blank cells got as results from formulas

    Guys, hard problem, need help I must report all the cells from a previous sheet that respect a particular condition, otherwise consider the cell like blank. the problem is that this must be automatic, in the sense that i need that this operation devolps every time with different records sheet...