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Search results

  1. A

    Customising colour palette (Excel 2007/2010)

    Thanks Shaun. Getting closer. As I said in my initial post. "Changing the top row in the colour palette is easy enough. (Create new theme colours in Page Layout.)" So I've got that far. The next part is the problem I haven't managed to solve ... "However, the shades in the subsequent...
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    Customising colour palette (Excel 2007/2010)

    Thanks Narayank991, but both of those tips relate to Excel 2003 as well.
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    Customising colour palette (Excel 2007/2010)

    Thanks Kaushik. I've read the stickies. I've also now posted an introduction in 'the lounge' forum. I've spent hours searching chandoo.org and the internet in general for an answer to my question, without luck. I've tried a little bit of VB coding, also without success, but would prefer not to...
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    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi, I'm Matthew from Perth, Australia. Chandoo.org is a great resource that I recommend to friends looking for solutions to their Excel challenges.
  5. A

    Customising colour palette (Excel 2007/2010)

    1. Situation Changing the top row in the colour palette is easy enough. (Create new theme colours in Page Layout.) However, the shades in the subsequent five row rows in the colour palette seem to be fixed at Lighter 80%/60%/40% and Darker 25%/50%. 2. Challenge How can I change the shades...