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Search results

  1. N

    Tabulation and count

    Thanks a lot for such a good explanations and wonderful presentation.. Love you all and of course CHANDOO for creating a platform where intelligence and creativity can be expressed and appreciated. Peace, happiness and love to you all....
  2. N

    separating numerical and alpha in a cell

    Awesome Boss you are a magician !!! I was stuck with using LEFT and RIGHT formula with little result....your answer solves my problem. Thank you very much.Kind regards. Manoj
  3. N

    separating numerical and alpha in a cell

    Dealing with a large data of employees timing recording by the time tracking software . The source data that needs to be split is TR0900-1400 ( TR denotes the location and the employee worked from 900 hours to 1400 hours ) As the data runs into thousands of rows each week and would not like to...
  4. N

    Extract all the numeric values from the right of any alphanumeric string

    Hi guys can you help as i have to split the cell BR-1200-1400 as under : BR-1200-1400 into BR in one cell then 1200 in next cell and 1400 in the third cell. thanks nojpatel