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Search results

  1. P

    Tables & Look-up

    Re-pasted for format: Below are three columns: column A is “Weight Range” (the info is entered in one cell as such ‘1 – 5. It includes ‘ before the 1 so that it returns “1 – 5”; column B is the “Actual Weight”. I’d like to create a formula in column C that finds the correct weight range in...
  2. P

    Tables & Look-up

    Below are three columns: column A is “Weight Range” (the info is entered in one cell as “ ‘1 – 5. It includes ‘ before the 1 so that it returns “1 – 5”; column B is the “Actual Weight”. I’d like to create a formula in column C that finds the correct weight range for each value in column B from...
  3. P

    Pivot Table: Formula to Remove a Component that makes up the "Total"

    The "Total" column in my data set sums figures from 20 other cells (it's an invoice that has 20 fees). To be included, it has to meet two conditions (Type of Transportation and Mode of Transportation). I want to remove (not use) one of the fee figures, but still sum the remaining ones. My plan...
  4. P

    Excel Spreadsheet to analyze Parcel Shipping Rates

    Hi, I'm looking for an excel spreadsheet that will analyze and compare FedEx and UPS shipping rate discount offers based on OUR shipping characteristics. More specifically, based on our annual volume, these shipping firms have offered us discounts off of their published base rates on their...
  5. P

    Advance Filter for Unique Records

    (I'm re-posting this question under a separate title). I have 160,000 rows of sales info, so it's not uncommon to have an SKU # listed thousands of times because the sales info is for every sale made over the last 6 years. My goal is to get a shorter list of all the SKUs--just once, but...
  6. P

    Filtering and then changing Cell Information

    Thanks again, Luke. I have a related question to this project. As I mentioned before, I have 160,000 rows of sales info. It's not uncommon to have a SKU # listed thousands of times because the sales info is for every sale made over the last 6 years. My goal is to get a shorter list of all...
  7. P

    Filtering and then changing Cell Information

    If I filter a column for a specific SKU# contained in a column, the result will produce hundreds of rows, but not all sequentially. At times, hundreds of rows will not appear until the specific SKU is found again during the filter process. I want to change information in another column (the...
  8. P

    Excel Formula Question-- VLookup, Index, Match?

    Outstanding. Many thanks for your help.
  9. P

    Excel Formula Question-- VLookup, Index, Match?

    Hi, I'm looking for the easiest way to look up a Product SKU that's part of a table--on a separate Sheet (#1)--and then match it to the same Product SKU data contained on another Sheet (#2). Once the Product SKU number is matched, I'd like to have the value (happens to be text) next to the...
  10. P

    Formula That Returns Corresponding Value within Table

    Excellent responses to all. Thanks again.
  11. P

    Formula That Returns Corresponding Value within Table

    Many thanks again. Jai--What's the difference using "Vlookup," "Lookup" or "Index?" When is it appropriate to use each one over the other?
  12. P

    Formula That Returns Corresponding Value within Table

    Thanks for your reply. One observation is that you ignore the middle column. Alternatively, could you use VLookup, which would include the middle column? Also, is there a conflict with the data, in that, column A (the "at least" number) is the same number as the next value in the column B...
  13. P

    Formula That Returns Corresponding Value within Table

    Looking for a formula that will find (lookup) where a specific price falls within a range of prices shown in Columns A and B, and then return the corresponding value shown in Column C (see below). In the following example, January’s price is $3.833. What formula would return “7.50%”...