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Search results

  1. Seahorse

    Countifs - Count blanks if date populated

    Thanks, I need to become more awesome, however, I do have a distint lack of hair to overcome...:eek:
  2. Seahorse

    Countifs - Count blanks if date populated

    If there is a date in column A, Countif column B is blank (count blanks if there IS a date). This is my formula, however I am getting the answer of 1 rather than the 2 expected? =COUNTIFS(A1:A6, "*",C1:C6, "") See attached for example.
  3. Seahorse

    How to get the correct percentage of a scale of numbers

    Good point, I am approaching this the wrong way as you rightly point out, should have this sorted later ;)
  4. Seahorse

    How to get the correct percentage of a scale of numbers

    I have a related query, but can't extract anything workable from the above. I am trying to use a chart that goes from 0-100% for BMI. To make it align 0-25% would be 0-18.5, 25-50% is 18.5-24.9 and so on. As far as I can tell the highest value is 56, so 75-100% is 30-56. BMI Below 18.5 18.5...
  5. Seahorse

    Conditional Formatting, second rule not applying

    Gents, thanks for the help, it's always so frustrating when you know it should work and you cannot spot your own error. Somendras formula is elegant as it removes the need for an ISBLANK and does the job perfectly. Thank you both.
  6. Seahorse

    Conditional Formatting, second rule not applying

    Essentially I have a monster spreadsheet that need to do one of thre things. Highlight 3 columns in Red if Actual date is greater than Target. This works in the attached. Highlight 3 columns in Green If target matches actual. This doesn't work? No highlighting if not any of the above. One...
  7. Seahorse

    Nested Date Range Test

    So I have generated a smally test spreadsheet with comments showing what I am trying to acheive and what goes wrong. OR should be able to check the three coloums for any TRUE instance of the date being +/1 7 days from TODAY() and on the surface appears to work. however, blank coloums also...
  8. Seahorse

    Nested Date Range Test

    :rolleyes: Thanks, I realised it was exactly +/- 7 (but not 6, 5, 4...) a little while ago. This doesn't seem to extend to the next column (works fine for one though) and swapping to an OR also seems to fail. =AND(AA5>=TODAY()-7,AA5<=TODAY()+7,(AD5>=TODAY()-7,AD5<=TODAY()+7)) or...
  9. Seahorse

    Nested Date Range Test

    Columns AA, AD and AG are populated with dates. I need to confirm if any of those contain a date that is plus or minus 7 days from Today() however my first stab results in my test dates (2 +/- 5 and 2 +/- 14) all being FALSE. Clearly I need to get it working before I start nesting, but not...
  10. Seahorse


    Monospace = Fixed width. The other caveats are that the font needs to be a standard Windows/Office font and it needs to look as close to Calibri as possible which as far as i can tell is Lucida Console.
  11. Seahorse


    Sorted, thank you both, clearly I have had to use a Monospaced font, but the working version essentially formats all 3 Columns the first two by characters, the final one by date format. =CONCATENATE(B2,REPT(" ",24-LEN(B2))," │ ",C2,REPT(" ",10-LEN(C2))," │ ",TEXT(D2,"dd mmm yy"))
  12. Seahorse


    Argh, I knew it was the brackets! Yes that does work, however I am not gettering the behaviour I expected. LEFT apparently allows a maximum of 15 character, but if the name is Bill it only uses 4. I need all text to use 15 character 'spaces' essentially Bill+11 blank spaces.
  13. Seahorse


    I am using CONCATENATE to generate 3 columns of information in a bar chart axis as this seems to be the only way to have more than the axis title. I am combining the: Task Owner Basline (date) This works: =CONCATENATE(B2," │ ",C2," │ ",(TEXT(E2,"dd mmm yy"))) resulting in: Discovery │ Bill...
  14. Seahorse

    Gannt Chart with automatic Bar colours

    Luke, Thank you Sir, that solved it perfectly! Clearly my reading comprehension is weak :rolleyes: Mike
  15. Seahorse

    Gannt Chart with automatic Bar colours

    What I want to do: Enter two dates, select the RAG (corresponding bar matches the RAG colour) chart does the rest. What I have done: I have a stacked bar chart which generates a Gannt which works fine. I have tried to combine that the Peltier method (separate out the values). In this...
  16. Seahorse

    Automation of a Puppy Weight Chart

    Meh, never crossed my mind to apply a column at a time! A bit of a nuisance, but at least it makes spotting the little ones easier. Thank you Sir. This is a phone picture from this morning fyi! they are still known by their coloured label names ;)...
  17. Seahorse

    Automation of a Puppy Weight Chart

    Hi, Puppies are now a week old, and I've added another tab to track daily weight gain, which is where I realised the conditional formatting on either tab is taking the weeks worth before showing top 3 & bottom 3. What I want to see is the heaviest/lightest 3 dogs on each day, but I don't...
  18. Seahorse

    Automation of a Puppy Weight Chart

    Currently they are called Series_1, Series_2, Series_3 and so on. C22:C29 = Male and C30 = Female. Not sure if I will be completing Lines 31 & 32 yet. http://www.dead-fish.com/Pictures/2013-05-17%2008.17.46.jpg http://www.dead-fish.com/Files/130511%20-%20Puppy%20Weight%20Tracker.xlsx...
  19. Seahorse

    Automation of a Puppy Weight Chart

    Sorted the fat & thin puppies detection with conditional formatting as suggested, so we are all set for the births next week - many thanks :)
  20. Seahorse

    Automation of a Puppy Weight Chart

    File name difference! ='130511 - Puppy Weight Tracker_1.xlsx'!Series_2 v ='130511 - Puppy Weight Tracker.xlsx'!Series_2 Second one works, all functioning now. Revised save - http://www.dead-fish.com/Pictures/Excel/130511%20-%20Puppy%20Weight%20Tracker.xlsx
  21. Seahorse

    Automation of a Puppy Weight Chart

    OK, ranges created: http://www.dead-fish.com/Pictures/Excel/Capture.JPG I removed the old series from the chart and put ='130511 - Puppy Weight Tracker.xlsx'!Two In the Series Values box: http://www.dead-fish.com/Pictures/Excel/Capture2.JPG However this fails with the following...
  22. Seahorse

    Automation of a Puppy Weight Chart

    I can see the difference in the first one which happily extends the line when you add another day's weight, how do I replicate the extended selection? I tried manually editing the second series, but immediately broke it by running the range out to the right. Conditional formatting their names...
  23. Seahorse

    Automation of a Puppy Weight Chart

    Hi, I normally poke through here for work related matters, however my first post is for home use! Ruby, our Doberman is expecting 11 puppies next week. One thing we must do is track their weights to ensure they are growing and the smaller ones get extra feeds...