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Recent content by sveinhelge.urdal

  1. S

    Formula for Conditionaql Formating

    Thanks. Problem Solved
  2. S

    Formula for Conditionaql Formating

    I use the formula =A1<>A2 to highlight the last cell with same number using conditional formatting. It then highlights the cell with the last number in the series. How can I make it highlight the whole row? I have tried to Applies To the whole sheet, but then it check the last of the same info...
  3. S

    Conditional Formatin problem

    I have a list similar to this. (Have removed other columns with information that is not important for this question) CA-30003 CA-30003 CA-30003 CA-30003 CA-30004 CA-30004 CA-30004 CA-30004 CA-30005 CA-30005 CA-30005 CA-30005 What I'm trying to figure out is how to use...
  4. S

    Provblems creating formula for action follow -up

    Problem solved after a lot of trying...
  5. S

    Provblems creating formula for action follow -up

    I do not know any other way to explain.
  6. S

    Provblems creating formula for action follow -up

    Is this explanation better? A B C D E F G H I J Title Next due Forecast Received from Originator Sent to Checker Checker return Returned to Originator With Originator With Checker With Us Test 1 19.04.2024 15.04.2024 X here if D is not empty and E is empty Test 2 30.01.2024...
  7. S

    Provblems creating formula for action follow -up

    Sorry, I do not understand what youre asking.
  8. S

    Provblems creating formula for action follow -up

    An explanation to wath I am thinking. Comments Cross in With Us shall be when it is received from originator but column E,F and G is empty. Or like in the nect row. Cross in with us if column F is not empty and G is impty. Cross in with originator if Column D is empty Crossin with...
  9. S

    Provblems creating formula for action follow -up

    I have a table like this: Title Next due Forecast Received from Originator Sent to Checker Checker return Returned to Originator With Originator With Checker With Us Comments Test 1 19.04.2024 15.04.2024 X Received by us but not expedited Test 2 30.01.2024 23.02.2024...
  10. S

    Highlight row based on date and a spesific content in one cell

    I have a spreadsheet with a status column and a date column. Status can be 1 = Finished and 2 = Outstanding I'm looking for a way to highlight the row where the status is 2 and the date is overdue. It looks like this: Id Name Action Status Due Date 1 Peter 1 10.03.2024 2 Alex 2...
  11. S

    Problems with chart

    Solved. I found the solution myself.
  12. S

    Problems with chart

    Yes I seee that now. But I cant find a way to change it to start on zero.