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Recent content by Krishnakumar

  1. Krishnakumar

    2 if conditions (includes 2 true results & 2 false condition)

    =IF(A2="active",IF(TODAY()-C2>180,"Confirmed","Pending"),IF(F2-C2>180,"Confirmed - Inactive","Pending - Inactive"))
  2. Krishnakumar

    Custom MsgBox icon like vbCritical

    Have a look at : http://www.h3.dion.ne.jp/~sakatsu/ktMsgBox_Series_English.htm
  3. Krishnakumar

    Listing files names and hyperlinks in a spreadsheet.

    If you would like to have a formula solution, see: http://www.excelfox.com/forum/f13/list-file-names-using-formula-1463/
  4. Krishnakumar

    Need macro

    Hi Try Option Explicit Dim NextTick As Date Sub StartRefresh() GetRefreshed End Sub Private Sub GetRefreshed() Dim rngFormula As Range Set rngFormula = Sheet1.Range("c3") '<<< adjust the range rngFormula.Calculate NextTick = Now +...
  5. Krishnakumar

    Pulling part of the cell out of the cell

    Try something like in Access SELECT MID(MyField,IIF(StrConv(LEFT(MyField,1),1)="Z",2,1),InStrRev([MyField],"-")-IIF(StrConv(LEFT(MyField,1),1)="Z",2,1)) AS MyNewField FROM MyTable
  6. Krishnakumar

    A Macro For Merge Cells

    Hi Try this code. To assign short cut key, hit Alt+F8 > Options and assign the required key. Sub MergeSelection() If TypeOf Selection Is Range Then Application.DisplayAlerts = False Selection.Merge Application.DisplayAlerts = True End If End Sub
  7. Krishnakumar

    VBA - loop through a range of cells, delete rows that match a set of criterias

    You can even avoid the first loop. Dim ar ar = Sheet2.Range(&#34;a2&#34;, Sheet2.Range(&#34;a&#34; & Sheet2.Rows.Count).End(xlUp)) ar = Application.Transpose(ar) ar = Split(Join(ar, &#34;,&#34;), &#34;,&#34;) Kris
  8. Krishnakumar

    VBA unique values

    Or you may find this function useful. http://www.excelfox.com/forum/f12/extract-unique-values-range-69/ Kris
  9. Krishnakumar

    Macro to disable a button if listbox contains no data.

    Me.BTN_MoveSelectedLeft.Enabled = Me.ModulesListBox.ListCount &#60;&#62; 0 Kris
  10. Krishnakumar

    Creating one list out of three (just the values present on all three lists)

    Hi Try this code. Sub kTest() Dim d1 As Object, d2 As Object Dim i As Long, k, c As Long k = Range(&#34;a2:c80000&#34;).Value2 &#39;adjust the range Set d1 = CreateObject(&#34;scripting.dictionary&#34;) Set d2 = CreateObject(&#34;scripting.dictionary&#34;) For c = 1 To UBound(k...
  11. Krishnakumar

    Excel Macro takes too much time to work

    Hi Try to avoid Select, Activate etc. Dim proper variables. See if this helps you. Public Sub UpdateGraph() Dim wksLTOK As Worksheet Dim wksCP As Worksheet Dim LastRow As Long Dim s As String Dim rngToCopy As Range Dim lngCalc As Long With Application...
  12. Krishnakumar

    Solve this text retrieve query

    @ shri ROWS($A$1:A1),ROWS($A$1:A1) should be ROWS($G$5:G5),ROWS($G$5:G5)) otherwise if I delete Col A, it gives you REF error, if I insert a row between row 2 and 5, the results will be incorrect. Kris
  13. Krishnakumar

    Extracting / Calculating data from multiple worksheets into one Master Worksheet

    Hi Try this. Adjust the sheet names Sub kTest() Dim ka, i As Long, n As Long, dic As Object &#39;//IDs ka = Worksheets(&#34;Sheet1&#34;).Range(&#34;a1&#34;).CurrentRegion.Resize(, 3).Value2 &#39;&#60;&#60;== adjust the sheet name Set dic = CreateObject(&#34;scripting.dictionary&#34;)...
  14. Krishnakumar

    Compile Questionnaires in one workbook

    Glad I could help you and thanks for the feedback. Add the fields on the master sheet. Kris
  15. Krishnakumar

    Finding closest text

    @ Sajan, I do agree that Narayan did a great to explain the formula. What I'm saying that it doesn't give me maint4 from the following list maint1 , maint4, maint7 , maint10 , maint49 , vaint4 , vaint9 and the search key being maint5 I think the closest match would be maint4 from this list...