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Want to get data from Different sheets to 1 Output/Dashboard file


New Member
Want to get data from 10 different sheets to 1 output file. There are 10 departments and each has a different sheet. Want to use a validation tab, the output should come based on the selection of the validation. Sharing sample file.


  • Sample File.xlsx
    11.1 KB · Views: 8
Want to get data from 10 different sheets to 1 output file. There are 10 departments and each has a different sheet. Want to use a validation tab, the output should come based on the selection of the validation. Sharing sample file.

you can look at this solution if it can help you or you can make tables with Different sheets names and use those table names in formula to make it dynamic.


  • Sample File.xlsx
    12.5 KB · Views: 16