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Narration from Bank in front of party name

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New Member
Dear Sir,

I have got two Sheets one is Ledger Name and another one is BS.
BS has got narration from Bank.
Ledger Name has got Name of party from Books of accounts.
I want get result like Narration from BS in front of Party.
Eg : Party Name is UNIQUE SERVICE I want to get narration from Bank Contains Unique Service as example says.
I have highlighted yellow where the same report is expected.
these are the few example file is big please suggest a good formula.


  • BS help.xlsx
    8 KB · Views: 12

example in cell B4 :


Ok for B5 but not for B3 'cause of double space in UNIQUE SERVICE in BS!C2.

example in cell B4 :


Ok for B5 but not for B3 'cause of double space in UNIQUE SERVICE in BS!C2.
Thats good sir,

But is there any solution for such a problem like double space, or can you make it basis on first 5 character and last 5 character.
Thats good sir,

But is there any solution for such a problem like double space, or can you make it basis on first 5 character and last 5 character.

Hi Sarfraz,

You can add TRIM in Marc's formula:

but now you have to enter with Ctrl+Shift+Enter

and of course you need IF statement to check if the cell is not blank:
with CSE

Hi Sarfraz,

You can add TRIM in Marc's formula:

but now you have to enter with Ctrl+Shift+Enter

and of course you need IF statement to check if the cell is not blank:
with CSE

Works Perfectly.thanks sir.
whether reverse is possible
i have got two Sheets one is Ledger Name and another one is BS.
BS has got narration from Bank.
Ledger Name has got Name of party from Books of accounts.
I want get result like ledger from books of accounts in front of Narration from Bank


  • TempBS help.xlsx
    11.7 KB · Views: 1
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