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Excel formula help needed

Hi all,

I have attached a sample sheet.

The 1st sheet is a delivery note, the 2nd sheet is the invoice.

I want to only pull information through to the invoice when the item has a quantity next to it on the delivery note.

I did have a formula for a small sample sheet that worked, but each time I add rows it messes the formula up and doesn't work.

I appreciate any help you can give give me.




  • Template edited.xlsx
    250.9 KB · Views: 0
Since you are using direct cell reference, you can use something like...
For Column A: =IF('Del & Col Note'!A11="","",'Del & Col Note'!A11)
Adjusting reference as needed.

Then all other columns you can reference corresponding cell in column A and return blank if reference cell is blank.

I didn't go through entire sheet, but see A36:C38 for example.


  • Template edited.xlsx
    252 KB · Views: 0
Since you are using direct cell reference, you can use something like...
For Column A: =IF('Del & Col Note'!A11="","",'Del & Col Note'!A11)
Adjusting reference as needed.

Then all other columns you can reference corresponding cell in column A and return blank if reference cell is blank.

I didn't go through entire sheet, but see A36:C38 for example.

Thank you Chihiro,
I was looking for something that only pulled through rows that had a quantity in them.


Hi Brain,

Plz see attachment, merged cells in your sample are problematic that led me to make a new file.


  • Del Note and Invoice.xlsx
    12.1 KB · Views: 0
Hi Faseeh,

Firstly, thank you so much for your help; it is very much appreciated.

So I can tailor your sheet to match my own, could it include all the items shown in sheet 1 (see attached sheet).

Also how can I add 15 rows above each sheet, without spoiling the formulas you have in place.
I've tried it but I lose the formula.

In those 15 inserted rows I can add all my headings and other details then.

Many thanks



  • Del Note and Invoice revised.xlsx
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You are always welcome.

Please see attachment for 15 added rows.


  • Del Note and Invoice revised (1).xlsx
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Hi Faseeh,

Me again.

I'm looking for your help again.

I've attached the sample sheet.

Items 1 to 12 on the delivery note, the invoice is not pulling through item 12.

Also regarding the accessories, I've copied them in a list further down the page to avoid searching the two columns in the layout..

Is there any way that the invoice could pull through the main items 1 - 12 (rows 17 to 40), then search the accessories list (rows 130 to 151)

Thank you in advance.




  • template 20-8.xlsx
    76.1 KB · Views: 0
For item 12. You skipped over one row in your formula
Row($A13) should be Row($A12)

Not sure what you want for accessories list.
For item 12. You skipped over one row in your formula
Row($A13) should be Row($A12)

Not sure what you want for accessories list.

Hi Chihiro,

Thanks for getting back to me.

At the minute the accessories are listed in two columns on rows 42 to 52.
I didn't think the formula would work on two columns so I copied them below in 1 column (rows 130 to 151.

This is just so that on the invoice it searches for any of the first 12 items, and copies them through (if there's a quantity chosen)

But then it copies through any of the accessories (if there's a quantity chosen) in numerical order, searching the list in rows 130 to 151.


Ah that's easy ;)

The formula works for A41:D52 without an issue.

Since formula is written with 'Del Note'!B$41:B$63 as reference range. As you copy over to another column, it will adjust automatically and will return the value of respective column that match the criteria.
Hi Chihiro,

I'm nearly there I think.

I've attached the sheet.

On the invoice you will see all the Doors and accessories are copied though to the invoice.

The problem I have, is if for example I delete item 11 and 12 on the doors; when you look at the invoice it seems to mess with the formula that is pulling the accessories through.

It seems that once I delete anything from the items, it ruins the formula for the accessories.

Many thanks.



  • template 20-8.xlsx
    76.1 KB · Views: 0
Ah, that's because you have one continuous range reference of A$18:A$156.
Since it's array formula looking for SMALL. This will cause layout issues.

Starting from A43 in the "Invoice". Use below formula and enter as CSE.
=IFERROR(INDEX('Del Note'!A$130:A$151,SMALL(IF('Del Note'!$A$130:$A$151<>0,IF('Del Note'!$A$130:$A$151<>"",-129+ROW('Del Note'!$A$130:$A$151))),ROW(A1))),"")

For A42, You'd want to keep it direct reference to A41 in "Del Note".
Ah, that's because you have one continuous range reference of A$18:A$156.
Since it's array formula looking for SMALL. This will cause layout issues.

Starting from A43 in the "Invoice". Use below formula and enter as CSE.
=IFERROR(INDEX('Del Note'!A$130:A$151,SMALL(IF('Del Note'!$A$130:$A$151<>0,IF('Del Note'!$A$130:$A$151<>"",-129+ROW('Del Note'!$A$130:$A$151))),ROW(A1))),"")

For A42, You'd want to keep it direct reference to A41 in "Del Note".

Thank you Chihiro,

That's helped me understand a bit better.

I really appreciate your help.


Ah, that's because you have one continuous range reference of A$18:A$156.
Since it's array formula looking for SMALL. This will cause layout issues.

Starting from A43 in the "Invoice". Use below formula and enter as CSE.
=IFERROR(INDEX('Del Note'!A$130:A$151,SMALL(IF('Del Note'!$A$130:$A$151<>0,IF('Del Note'!$A$130:$A$151<>"",-129+ROW('Del Note'!$A$130:$A$151))),ROW(A1))),"")

For A42, You'd want to keep it direct reference to A41 in "Del Note".

Hi Again,

I really seem to be struggling with this one I'm afraid.

I've attached my sheet again.

If I delete for example item 2 from the doors, it messes up the accessories again.

I have also noticed that now I've added some figures in. When I delete an accessory for example, the totals figure gets messed up.

Thanks again.




  • template home rev 1.xlsx
    103.6 KB · Views: 0
Ok, so you need 2 separate formula.

One for Doors portion and another for Accessories.

You cannot do it in single formula.

For Doors portion use range of Row 10 to 33.
For Accessories portion use range of Row 34 to 56 (also need to adjust other parts of formula, see attached).

Total can be simplified as


  • template home rev 1_S.xlsx
    104.2 KB · Views: 0
Ok, so you need 2 separate formula.

One for Doors portion and another for Accessories.

You cannot do it in single formula.

For Doors portion use range of Row 10 to 33.
For Accessories portion use range of Row 34 to 56 (also need to adjust other parts of formula, see attached).

Total can be simplified as
Hi Chihiro,

Thank you for that.

Is there anyway I can avoid the blank rows that appear on the invoice. I

f for example I delete the qty. for doors; say the last 4 it shows blank rows on the invoice


I can't think of a way without introducing VBA to do it automatically.

Alternately you can add filter at the top and hide (Blanks).