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find duplicated value to modify


i want to split some data as per its duplicate: i have 2 row, 1st include "Activities" eg: Excuse, Meeting and coaching. 2nd row have IDs. i want add anther row contain if An ID have the same activity 3 times eg "Excuse", want to modify the activity name to be first one be Excuse, 2nd will be Excuse 2, 3ed will be Excuse 3 ect...


  • duplicate.xlsx
    10 KB · Views: 11
In C2.. try this..

=[@Activities]& " " &IF(COUNTIFS($B$2:B2,[@[Emp Id]],$A$2:A2,[@Activities])=1,"",COUNTIFS($B$2:B2,[@[Emp Id]],$A$2:A2,[@Activities]))