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To Google other than Google


Excel Ninja
Below is the list of various search engines used for multiple purpose.

The original article can be read at http://www.loksatta.com/vishesh-news/the-decline-of-google-464660/

Copyrights of this article are with them (newspaper) , tried to translate for Forum members.

Duckduckgo - search engine

Blekko - search engine

Wofram Alpha - better than Google in research and computation

IxQuick - very fast compared to Google

Yippy - Filters adult content

Mazoom - better for smartphone and tablet

Now Relevant - better for searching events from previous 2 weeks

Dogpile - search engine

Jongel - searches 10 webpages at a single time

Topsy - to find tweets

Social mention - For searching favorite products and websites

Addictomatic - to construct a page on a particular subject

Who’s Talkin - for blogs, news, video and image verification

Forums - to search forums

Boardreader - to participate on industrial platforms

Postrank - to search blog as per subject

Technorati - to search blog and post according to your favorite subject

Regator - to search blog and post on any subject

Docjax - to search free e-books and documents

Scribd - for original documents

Slideshare - to search slides for your favourite speaker

Creative Common - to use images

Wikimedia - to use media content prepared by others for your use. 12 crore images for free use.

Blinks - search video

Clipblast - to search professional videos, television debates

Videosurf - search videos from Hulu-CNN, TMZ, Metcafe, Fancast, Dailymotion and other

Crunchbase - information about online brands and companies

Buitwith - search new trends from technology
Arey Dada ! tumhi tar chhan Marathi bolata. (Brother ! you speak Marathi really well)
Tumachya sathi kadhi pan. (Anytime for you)

@Debraj bhau must have used google translate :) :p.

Pan ek sangha, tumi ithe Marathi newspaper chi cutting kashala upload kelat? (please tell how you uploaded Marathi Newspaper cutting here :) ). Most of the reader will feel like going into a new world :).

It was nice reading the article.

Jai Maharashtra, Jai Shivaji !!!

The unelected bureaucrats in Brussels have passed a law that makes all search engines remove data about someone if that person requests it. Politicians (as soon as they leave office) and criminals will love this law.